Everytime You Lie

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(A/N hey there's some important stuff in the A/N at the end of this chapter!)

Skylar's POV

So, school is starting today. And it's safe to say, I'm not at all excited. I have like 2 friends and that's it. Plus, I know that Demi's friends will be there. Demi has been nice to me lately, but I'm just waiting for that to stop. Maybe it'll stop today.

Dallas is driving me and Demi to school since she has the day off.

I get out of the shower and go into my room. I walk over to my closet and pull out black skinny jeans, a band tee and my jacket. I put on some bracelets to hide my scars. I do my hair, grab my phone, and go down stairs. "You ready baby?" I look up and smile at Demi and Dallas waiting for me. "Uh yeah. Wait Demi, I have to tell you something." She turns and looks at me. "What would that be?" I smirk then say,


When we get to school, Demi gets out. As I'm getting out, Dallas grabs my arm. "If you need anything, anything at all, Sky, I want you to call or text me. Okay? And I want you to call me at lunch."

"Why do you wanna talk?"

"I wanna see how Demi is acting. Just call me. Okay?" I sigh and look right into her eyes. "Okay. But I gotta go or I'm gonna be late."

"Okay. Stay safe. I love you baby girl."

I shut the door and say, "I love you too Dal."

I walk into the school right as the first bell rings. I walk to my locker. I'm grab my books and go to class. I walk into class and hear everyone talking about me. "Annnndddd there she is." Demi says, smirking. They all laugh. I was right. Demi has just been acting. She has always wanted to act and sing. I sit down in my desk, which sadly is right next to Demi's since we have the same last name.

She leans over and whispers in my ear, "Hey Skylar. Just go with it. Okay?" RRIIGGHHTT... "Umm no. What did you tell them about me?"

"That you cut."


Dallas's POV

I've been sitting with Skylar in her room since we got home. And it's now 8pm. She's been crying about Demi. Something that the lovely Demetria did. That's never good.

I picked her up early from school and we went out for lunch and a movie. After that, we went to pick up Demi. And let me tell you, that car ride was as awkward as it gets.


Demi came running up to my car. She gets in and I start driving, not saying anything to her.

"Hey, Sky, why did you leave early?" As if she didn't know. Skylar didn't say anything back.

"Well then. Don't talk to me, whatever."

Still nothing.

End of Flashback

"Baby, look at me. You need to stop crying. I'll even homeschool you. You're never going back to that school. I promise you that." She looked up at me, gasping for air. "Y-y-you p-promise?" I couldn't help myself from smiling, I know it sounds kinda shitty, but whatever. "I promise baby. They can't hurt you ever again." I kissed her forehead and then she fell asleep. I carefully laid her down in bed and then shut the door and left.

I walked downstairs and saw Demi sprawled on the couch watching tv. She turned and looked at me. "Hey." I ignored her and walked into the kitchen. She followed me in and sat at the bar thingy. "I said hey." I looked up at her long enough for her to see and then continued making myself a snack. "So, are you like, not talking to me now?" I walked away and went into my room. I sat on my bed and my phone went off.

Mom- hey baby sorry we're running a little late. We'll be home later. Go ahead and make supper if you would like.

Me- okay... Need to talk

Mom- what's up?

Me- it's Demi.

Mom- what do you mean? Dallas, you need to give the girl a break. She's been busy lately with all the tv drama.

Me- she told the whole school that Sky cuts. And I'm not gonna "give her a break." But, you and Eddie can stop favoring Demi cuz it's killing Skylar!

Mom- don't talk to me like that.

Me- that's all you have to say? "Don't talk to me like that."??? What a great mother you are.

Mom- knock it off

Me- whatever. Me and Sky are going out. Bye

I got off my bed and walked into Sky's room. She was laying awake staring at the ceiling.

"Hey baby. Get up. We're gonna go out." She sighed and rolled over to look at me. "I'm not going anywhere with Demi."

"Funny. She's not coming with. Just me, you, and Maddie." She gave me a huge smile. "Where are we going?" "Not sure. Out to eat, but then whatever we decide." She got up and went into the bathroom. I walked into Maddie's room and told her to get ready. I went into the kitchen and wrote Demi a note, since she was sleeping. A few minutes later, Maddie and Skylar came running down the stairs. "Ready?"



Hey guys. Soo don't flip that I'm making Demi seem like a bitch, or that she isn't in this much, because this is all leading up to something that's gonna change how Demi acts towards Skylar!

I've said too much.

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