You'll Be Sorry

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Skylar's POV

Dallas took me and Maddie out for supper tonight. But she made Demi stay home. After supper, we went to one of those places where it's covered in trampolines.

As we pulled up to the trampoline place, I got a text.

Demi- why the fuck didn't you guys take me with?

I ignored it, even though since it was on iMessage, she knew I read it.

Demi- ummm helllooooo?!?!

I kept on ignoring her.

Demi- Skylar! Stop fucking ignoring me!

I turned and looked at Dallas, "Demi keeps texting me." I hand her my phone. She starts typing on it and then hands it back to me. I look down at the message and read it.

'Demi fucking grow up. Stop acting like this fucking world revolves around you. And what the hell were you thinking telling everyone about Sky's cutting? -Dallas'


We were finally left the trampoline place at like 11 because Maddie got tired. We got our shoes and walked out to the car. "Hey Maddie, do you wanna get ice cream before we go home?" Hahaha give the tired kid ice cream. Well, Demi can watch her then. "Yeah!" I looked back at Maddie, "Then go home and bother Demi?" She smiled and nodded her head.

Well pulled into the driveway at Dairy Queen. I got a Oreo blizzard while Dallas and Maddie just got cones.

I took a selfie of me and Dallas with Maddie in the background and put it on Twitter.

"@skylarlovato: just some lovely sister bonding time💜 @dallaslovato love you girls!"

I should've known better than to post that. Why, you ask? One word.


From the same 3 people of course.

"@jaelynnmarie: @skylarlovato fat ass, don't you know Dairy Queen is for people who can manage their weight? Go to a gym sometime!"

"@morgan1278: @jaelynnmarie said you're fat. You gonna go cut now? I hope you do. 😘"

"@kylea2409: @skylarlovato it's too bad that @ddlovato has to deal with you at home. I heard about you saying it's her fault you cut. Let's not be dumb. It's your fault. Maybe if you weren't so gross, she wouldn't pick on you. Soooo I guess it IS your fault."

I had one thing to say back to them.

"@skylarlovato: woof woof 🐶"

As I was closing Twitter, I got another notification. It was from Demi.

"@ddlovato: leave @skylarlovato alone guys. She's perfect as is. If you were really my friends, you would see that. I'm tired of playing both sides. @jaelynnmarie @kylea2409 @morgan1278"

I opened the attachment and there was a picture of Demi and I from the day she was auditioning for Barney.

Is this her trying to be nice?

Or, is it her trying to look like a good sister? Maybe she's actually being nice.

I should've known that's not how it goes.


Hey guys. So this chapter may seem a little shorter, but things are about to get interesting.

From here on out, Demi is going to be in this story more.

This was not the huge thing that changed how Demi acts towards Skylar.

It'll be better than that!

It may involve some blood.


The Life and Death of Skylar LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now