Heart Attack

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Demi's POV

I was walking up to the school when someone grabbed me from behind. They put a rag over my nose and mouth. I start to get sleepy, then everything goes black.

I wake up when I fall. I open my eyes and I see I'm in a building. I look around and the walls are covered in graffiti.

Okay, this place must be abandoned then.

I hear something behind me and turn around. I see a man walking into the room and locking the door. He turns around and I look at his face. Standing in front of me, is the one and only,

Joe Jonas.

"J-Joe?" I say stuttering. "Demetria Devonne Lovato. I missed you, you know." He starts to walk towards me. I back away. "What do you want, Joe?"

"I want you, Demi."

"N-no." He laughs and says, "You think you have a choice?" He corners me and kisses me. I try to push him off but he's too strong. He stops kissing me and rips my clothes off throwing me down on a mattress.

I continue kicking and hitting him. Yelling at him to stop. He pulls off my pants and underwear.

"Joe. Please. If you stop now, I promise not to tell anyone.."

He laughs and says, "you're not telling anyone no matter what." He pulls out a knife and says, "You tell anyone that it was me, I'll come to your house and kill you and your family. Understand?" I nod and he starts up again.

He unzips his pants and takes them off. He slips off his boxers.

A few minutes later...

"Joe! Please just stop!!" Right now, I'm crying. It hurts so much.. He ignores me and keeps going.

After a few more minutes, he gets up and puts his pants back on. He throws mine at me and tells me to get dressed.

Once were both dressed, he drags me out to his car. He sits me in the passenger seat and goes to the driver's side. He sits down then pulls out the knife again.

"Remember our deal."


Not exactly what I would call it.

I nod, my body still shaking and aching from what just happened. He starts to drive back towards the school...

"DEMI!!! WAKE UP! Please just wake up..." I open my eyes and see Skylar standing by my bed crying and shaking me. When she notices I'm up, she lays down next to me. I flip over so I'm facing her. She wraps her arm around my waist. "Demi. Calm down. You're gonna be okay."

"No I'm not.."

"Yes, you are. Trust me, okay? You're safe now. Joe is never gonna come near you again." My eyes flew open. How did she know it was Joe???

"How did you know it was Joe...?"

"You were screaming 'Joe stop!' in your sleep. I heard you and came in here to check on you, and you were laying in bed screaming and crying for him to stop. I'm surprised mom and dad didn't wake up."

"You know you can't tell mom and dad, right?"

"Demi. You have to tell someone." I tense up. I can NOT tell anyone. Joe will kill me and my family...

"No. I can't. I just can't."

"No matter what he said. You have to tell someone. He's not gonna kill anyone, if that's what he said. He's to much of a pussy to do THAT."

"Can we just talk about it later? I'm tired.."

She sighs and looks at me. "Fine. But one more thing, you tell someone, or I will. Now, go to bed."


Before speaking again, I thought hard about what I was about to say.

"I'm sorry for everything I did to you over the years.. I truly mean it. I love you, Skylar."

"I love you too Demetria."

Then, I fell asleep.


Hey guys, so this chapter is just to show what really happened to Demi.

The cops WILL be involved in the next chapter, though. I promise you that much.

What do you think about that little Demi and Skylar moment?

More stuff like that?


How many more chapters do you guys want until that "big thing I told you about" to happen?

I really want your guy's opinions about this story.

I want your guy's ideas to help me create this story.

So with that,





No idea is stupid.

Feel free to message me ideas too if you don't want to comment them.

Love you all.

Stay Strong cuz you're beautiful!


The Life and Death of Skylar LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now