Hold Up

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Skylar's POV

"I've missed you Demi."

"W-what? I-I'm not D-Demi.." I turned around to see Joe standing behind me. "Joe? But, how? You're supposed to be in jail!"

"I escaped. And they don't know yet, so guess what Demi?"

"I'm not Demi!"

"Riiiiggghhhhhtttt you're Skkkyyylllaaarrrr. Anyways, as I was saying, they don't know. So I get to have you to myself for at least tonight."

"No." It comes out in a whisper, which makes me sound really weak.

I start to back away again but then hit someone else. I turn around and standing there is Joe's brother, Kevin. While I'm turned around, Joe picks me up and holds one hand over my mouth, muffling my attempts to scream for help. He throws me into the backseat of the car waiting there then gets into the front passenger seat.

"Come on Kevin! Hurry up!"

"LET ME GO!" I start to kick at the windows. Joe turns around and injects something into my thigh. I start to get too tired to fight. Eventually, I fall asleep.


I woke up in a room with a cement floor covered in what seems to be blood stains and cement walls covered in graffiti. There's one light hanging above the center of the room.

This room reminds me of the movies me and Dallas always liked to watch together. I always told her how much it would suck for something like that to actually happen. Never did I think, it would happen to me.

As I'm looking around, I see a mattress slid into one corner. In the corner diagonally across from it, is a door. I walk over to the door and reach for the door knob. My hand is hovering above it when I hear footsteps coming towards the other side of the door. I look around for something to use as a weapon.


I stand in the middle of the room completely scared. In praying that mom and dad have called the cops or something and there are people looking for me. But until then, I'm stuck here.

"Finally you're up."

I turn around to see Joe and Kevin standing by the door. "I told you. I'm. Not. Demi." Kevin walks up to me and slips his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I try to push him off. "Oh I know. This is revenge to Demi."

"W-why though? What did I do?"

"You called the cops. Everything was just fine until you had to open your big mouth." I just nodded, keeping my head down. "Kevin. Please just let go." He walks away and his phone goes off then he whispers something that sounded like, "she's here" into Joe's ear. He nods. "We'll be right back." I nod and say, "Take you time." and they both walk out.

A few moments later, they come back in with another girl limp in Joe's arms. He lays her down on the mattress and leaves. I walk over to the girl and look at her face.


What was Joe getting at here? He told Demi if she told he would kill us all, is that it? Is that why we're here?

I start to shake Marissa and try to wake her up. "Marissa! Wake up!!" After about 5 minutes she starts to wake up.

"Where am I?" I sigh and turn her over so she's looking at me. "I don't know." She jumps up. "What do you mean you don't know?!"

"Joe kidnapped us both." Her face went pale. I looked into her eyes and saw pure fear. She didn't say anything but she looked like she was about to cry. I sat down next to her and hugged her. "Let it out Mar. It'll be okay. I'm sure my parents already called the cops."

"But what if they're too late at finding us?"

"Don't think like that. We'll be okay." She nodded then the door opened and Joe walked in. "Hello ladies." We both remained silent. He walked over and pulled my hair.

"I said hello bitch."

I waved at him and he took out his phone checking the time.

"2:30. Well, let's get this party started."

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