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Skylar's POV

It's 10 minutes before people are supposed to show up, and I feel like I'm gonna puke. Im so nervous. I know Demi is gonna get me good tonight because of earlier today. Dallas said she would protect me, but I don't know.

"Skylar! Demetria! Come down here for pictures!" I heard my mom yell. I ran down the stairs and went into the living room. I stood by Demi while my mom took like 5 million pictures.

Okay, I might have gone a little overboard there, but you know what I mean.

When we were done, I slowly walked back up to my room. I sat down on my bed and tweeted.

"@skylarlovato: happy birthday to me! Sooo excited to see all of my 2 friends! Yaaayy!"

I instantaneously got a bunch of tweets back saying stuff like:

@jaelynnmarie: you're a fat slut. You should be ashamed. I know your parents are. They only wanted @ddlovato."

@kylea2409: why the fuck are you still alive you ugly cunt? Do everyone a favor and kill yourself.😘"

And the worst one,

@morgan1278: haaa stop pitying yourself. No one cares. You're just a fat worthless slut who can't handle a little insult. You gonna go cut now? 🔪 or throw up? 🚽 don't go too far though, I'll miss our little game;)"


I turned around when I heard someone come in. "Hey. I saw your tweet. Are you okay?" I thought it was Dallas. But, when I turned around, the person standing there was Demi.

"Um. Yeah. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" She sighed and closed the door. She walked over to my bed and sat by me. "No reason. Umm... I told Ali and them not to come." I was completely shocked. She told her friends not to come, because of..... me?

No, it can't be.

"Why did you do that, Demi?" "I felt bad about everything they've done to you. I wanted you to have a good birthday." Wow. Did you catch that? She felt bad about what THEY did. Not what SHE did. Haaa, I bet she thought very carefully about what she said. I'm still mad at her. "Oh? About what THEY did. Okay." I said this next part in a gay sarcastic voice. "You're sooo forgiven, Demetria." She hates being called Demetria too.



"I come in here to apologize, and you do that? Thanks." I laugh at that. She thinks I didn't catch that. "No no no. Here's the thing, Demetria. You said you were sorry for what they did. Not what you did. Plus, you can't just apologize and expect everything to be okay. Do you have any idea how much pain you guys have caused me?" By this time, I was crying. Debating whether or not to tell her about my cuts and make her really feel bad. I was just about to say something when she interrupted me.

"Look Skylar, I'm so so sorry. I wish you could forgive me. But I guess I should've known better than to expect everything to be fine after I-"

I was done listening to her sob story. I rolled up my sleeves and shoved my wrists in her face while yelling, "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!! LOOK WHAT YOU CAUSED ME TO DO! HOW THE FUCK COULD I JUST FORGIVE YOU FOR ALL OF THIS??"

She put her hand over my mouth to get me to be quiet. Well, at least I thought it was her.. "Sky, calm down okay? I'm here baby girl. It's gonna be okay." Oh thank God. It's Dallas. My savior. "Demi, people are starting to show up. Go talk to them until she's okay." Demi nodded and walked out, shutting the door behind her.

Once Demi was gone, I burst out crying. Dallas just pulled me closer to her. I love how she knows exactly what to do when I'm upset. She's been there when I knew I couldn't cut. I started to calm down. "I'm sleepy Dal." I look up at her and she's crying and smiling. "It's okay baby. Go to sleep. I'll tell mom and dad." She kissed my forehead then tucked me into my bed. She started to leave but I grabbed her arm. "Please stay until I fall asleep. Please." She smiled. "Of course I will." I slowly drifted off to sleep.


(🔴🔵= time jump)

I woke up and the house was really loud. I was confused at first, but then I remembered it all. The fight with Demi, and Dallas helping me go to sleep. I got up, checked my hair and make up, and then went down stairs. When I got to the bottom, I saw Dallas talking to some of our cousins. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her to give her a hug. She looked down and smiled.

"Hey angel. How did you sleep?" I shrugged and said, "How long was I asleep?" She looked at the clock on her phone and said, "A couple hours. You didn't miss anything. I talked to Demi." My eyes got wide. "A-and?" "I must say, she sounded genuine when she said she was sorry. But I still wouldn't forgive her easily." I laughed. "Right. I'm not going to forgive her easy. But um.. I'm kinda dizzy. I'm gonna go sit down. Tell mom and dad I'm up for me?" She gave me a huge smile and said, "of course baby girl. I love you, you know." I laughed. "I love you too, you know." She just shook her head and I walked away.

I sat down on the couch and my cousin, Braden, came and sat by me. "Hey Skylar, it's been a while. How are you?" I faked a smile and said, "I'm fine. Just a little tired still." I let out a sigh. And added, "hey wait, have you seen Demi anywhere?" "Oh yeah. She's in the movie room with Maddie." "Oh, okay, thanks Braden." He got up, smiled and walked away.

Once everyone left, I looked over my presents again. I got another iPod, a Metallica tee, a new pair of skinny jeans, and some iTunes cards. Unlike Demi, who got a whole bunch of expensive shit. Like MacBooks. She got like 3 of those. PLUS she already had one.

"Hey, Skylar. Can I, um, talk to you?" I looked at Demi, then at Dallas. She nodded which meant to give Demi a chance. "Uh, yeah, I guess." I got up and walked into my room, waiting for her. She followed not too far behind and shut the door. I looked at her and waited for her to talk.

"Look, Sky, just hear me out okay?" I just nodded and she continued, "I know I've been a shitty sister to you. I know I shouldn't have called you all those terrible names. But I did, and I can't take them back now. I wish I could." Mhmm I smell bullshitttt... "And i understand if you don't wanna talk to me, cuz I wouldn't wanna talk to me either."

"Whatever, Demi. I don't wanna hear your bullshit excuses. Just get out."



She ran out crying. I didn't feel bad at all, though. I'm not gonna pitty her. Mom, Maddie and Eddie can do that.

I know they will.

The Life and Death of Skylar LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now