Fix A Heart

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Skylar's POV

It's currently 10:30AM and everyone is either at school, or at work. I told my mom I wasn't feeling well and she let me stay home. So I knew this would be the perfect time to do what I intended on doing today.

I go up to my room and sit down at my desk and take out paper and a pen, then start to write.

Dear family,

I know you all thought I've been getting better, but it's not at all true.

Since I was kidnapped, something inside me changed and I can't quite figure out what.

Before you all blame yourself, which I highly doubt you will do, I would like you to know that this was all inevitable and that there was nothing you could do to save me. It was bound to happen one day, and that day happened to be today.

In your rooms, you will all find a letter addressed to yourself. Maddie will not have one since she is so young.

My last words for you all would be this;

I love you all, but the pain I have been keeping inside is too much to bare.

I'm sorry, but this is what's best for us all.

With all my love,

Skylar Lynn Lovato <3

I set that letter off to the side and continued on writing Demi's, Dallas's, mom's, and Eddie's letters.

I finished all the letter and put them in envelopes. I brought them to the correct room and left the family one on my desk, knowing that someone would see it.

I grabbed the pill bottle from under my bed and grabbed my blade from behind my headboard. I swallowed the whole bottle of pills then deeply cut my wrists vertically down a vein. I started to get dizzy so I laid down on the floor.

A few moments later, I took what I hoped would be my last breath, then watched as black spots filled my vision.


Don't hate me! I know how short this is-_-

The next chapter is going to be finding Skylar, and all of the letters she wrote. Along with a few other things!


I'm sorry, but it had to happen.

I love you all though <3

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I'd love to hear some of your ideas, along with what you think of this story.

So, until next time,



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