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Dallas's POV

I woke up at around 9. I ran across the hall and into Skylar's room to wake her up but she wasn't there. I quietly went into Demi's room and she wasn't there either. I went into the kitchen and mom was sitting at the table on her computer.

"Mom?" She glanced up at me then returned her attention to the screen in front of her. "What's up baby?"

"Where's Sky?"

She looked up at me then smiled. "She should be in her room sleeping." I was completely confused. "She wasn't there. I checked Demi's room too." She sighed. "Call Jace. She might have fallen asleep there." I nod then went back up into my room. My grabbed my phone from my nightstand and dialed Jace's number.

"Hello?" He sounded as if he was experiencing one of the worst hangovers ever. "Jace? It's Dallas, Skylar's sister. Did she, um, by any chance fall asleep there?" I was completely terrified. What if something happened?

No, Dallas. Stop it. She probably crashed there.

"No.. She left at like 12:30 saying she needed to get home. Why? Isn't she there?" I hung up then ran down to mom.

"Mom!!!! Something's happened to Skylar! She left Jace's at 12:30 and no ones seen her since!!" Mom literally jumped out of her seat and ran into her room and woke up Eddie. I followed her in.

"Dallas? What's going on?"

I turned around and saw Maddie standing behind me.

"N-nothing Maddie. J-just g-go play w-with d-d-Demi. O-okay?" She nodded then ran away. My back slid against the wall as I fell to the ground. When my butt hit the floor, I burst out crying. My mom came and sat by me and rubbed my back.

"It's gonna be okay. She's gonna be okay." I just sat there crying with my head in my hands.

"But what if she's not?" My mom stood up, towering over me. "Dallas. Don't say that. Your sister is a fighter, she's gonna be okay. Got it?" I nodded and she went back into her room.

"I called the cops. They'll be here soon." I heard Eddie say. A few moments later, my mom's cell started ringing.

"Hello?" "Oh. Hi. What's wrong?" "Um.. No. She's not here." "Really?" "Skylar is gone too. Have you tried to ring her?" "Well shit." "Um yeah. Call me if she comes home." "Okay. Bye."

I stood up and turned into the doorway. My mom turned and looked at me.

"Marissa is gone too."


Skylar has been gone for 3 days and I haven't slept since she went missing. Marissa hasn't turned up anywhere either.

I was sitting on my bed when Demi walked in. She shut the door behind her and laid down next to me. She laid her head on my thighs. "I'm scared Dallas." I looked down at her and started playing with her hair. Instantly tears welled up in my eyes. She looked so much like Skylar laying there. I couldn't help crying.

"I-I know.. Me t-t-too. But she's g-gonna be okay." I was trying to convince myself more than anyone else.

"But what if she isn't?" I honestly did not know how to answer that.

"I don't know.." She nodded then got up and left.


It's officially been a week since Skylar and Marissa have gone missing. It's been all over the news. I've barely slept. I just feel so empty without having Skylar by me. Demi has been really upset too. She's called Marissa's parents every day but they keep saying the same thing.

All I can do is hope that Skylar and Marissa are okay.

Skylar's POV

He kicked me in the stomach as I laid there on the floor surrounded in my own blood.

"P-please Joe. J-just stop." He laughed and kicked me again. "Not until Marissa gives me what I want." I just laid there crying, taking whatever came to me. Then Marissa spoke up.

"Fine." Joe walked away from me and towards Marissa. He pulled her up and dragged her out of the room, leaving me all alone.

Marissa's POV

He walked over to me and pulled me up, dragging me into the room across the hall. He threw me down on the mattress then shut the door.

He kneeled down in front of me pulling off my pants. He slid his off as well. He hovered over me, kissing my neck.

"You're really fucked up Joe. Really fucked up." He slapped me multiple times before continuing.

As he did what he intended on doing, I just laid there emotionless. I didn't move or anything. I laid there staring at the ceiling wondering if this was how I was gonna die. After all, it's not like they fed us or anything.

He finished up and threw my clothes back to me. I robotically grabbed them and put them on. This was a daily thing. But the question is, how many more times will this happen before my body gives up? Hopefully soon.

He grabbed me and brought be back into the room I was originally in with Skylar. She laid there just as she was when I left. I went and laid down on the mattress facing the wall.

As I drifted into a deep sleep that I felt like I would never come out of, I heard sirens. I was hopeful for a moment of two, but then everything went black.


Dallas's POV

I was sitting in my room. I've found myself doing this a lot in the past few days. Sitting in my room, thinking too much.

There was a knock on my door. I snapped out of my thoughts and went and opened the door. I saw my mom, Eddie, and Demi standing there. They waited for the longest time until Demi finally spoke up.

"They found them."

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