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Demi's POV

Skylar has started talking to me again, thank God. She still hasn't forgiven me. I know I shouldn't have told anyone about what she does.

I got a text from Jaelynn.

J- hey babe! We miss you:(
we were think about going shopping. Wanna come?

D- miss you guys too. But I'm busy. Me, Dallas, and Skylar are going out.

J- what is up with you lately?

D- sorry, what?

J- you're always protecting that fatty. Make your decision. Us or her.

I have to think really good about this. Do I want to stick with my sister and risk getting bullied too? Or do I wanna play it safe, but lose Sky probably for good?

D- you guys, I guess.

J- that's what I thought. Meet at the mall at 2.

D- fine.

Did I really just do that?

Dallas's POV

I got Demi to agree to go out with me and Sky today. We were planning on going to a movie.

Speaking of Demi, she just walked into my room.

"Hey. Can I, um, talk to you?" She seems nervous.. "Uh yeah. What's up?" She sighs and then says, "I can't come with today. I'm sorry."

"Why the fuck not? You promised, Demi. What reason do you have now? Are you hanging out with those fucked up friends of yours?"

She didn't answer. Instead, she looked down. At that moment, I knew exactly why she wasn't coming. "Are you kidding me? You chose them, over your sisters? Wow. Just get out."

She started to talk but I stopped her.

"Just go."

Dianna's POV

Dallas, Skylar, and Demi have been fighting a lot lately and I don't know why. I just heard Dallas yelling at Demi again. Something about Demi promising something.

I always let them fight it out because I know that they'll get over it. Plus, me stepping in isn't going to solve anything.

Demi comes storming out of Dallas's room and down to the kitchen. She sits at the bar and lays her head down.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Demi looks up at me and tries to smile. "Nothing, mom. I'm fine." Haaa funny. "Demetria. Do not lie to me." She looks up with complete anger in her eyes. I know I went too far. I shouldn't have pushed.

"Mom! I said I'm fine! Fuck off!" She ran up to her room and locked the door.

I look at Eddie and say, "Teenagers." He nods and walks away.

Skylar's POV

I can't sleep tonight

Wide awake and so confused

Everything's in line

But I'm bruised

I need a voice to echo

I need a light to take me home

I kinda need a hero

Is it you?

I never see the forest for the trees

I could really use your melody

Baby I'm a little blind

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