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𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚍

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𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚍

Tom Holland

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗

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𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗

Sebastian Stan

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍

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𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍

Tony Revolori

𝗪 𝗔 𝗥 𝗡 𝗜 𝗡 𝗚 𝗦 :

 - Suicidal Thoughts (TW at beginning of the chapters)
 - Slight Bad Language Words
 - Dark Backstories, and Thoughts
 - Substance Abuse
 - Slight mentions of self-harm (TW at beginning of the chapters)
 - PTSD 

𝗗 𝗜 𝗦 𝗖 𝗟 𝗔 𝗜 𝗠 𝗘 𝗥 𝗦 :

 - Peter is 21. It's not illegal.
 - I changed both Peter's and Bucky's ages recently, so if you see something that does not correlate with them being 21/23, comment and point it out so that I can fix it.

 - I do not own anything Marvel, but I came up with the plot completely alone.
 - This idea came to me in a dream, and I really liked the idea and expanded on it. ( a lot obviously )
 - Tony and Steve are Peter's parents.
 - Bucky never met the Avengers
 - Both Bucky and Peter went through a lot inside Hydra

𝗗 𝗘 𝗔 𝗥   𝗙 𝗜 𝗥 𝗦 𝗧   𝗧 𝗜 𝗠 𝗘   𝗥 𝗘 𝗔 𝗗 𝗘 𝗥 𝗦 :

Hello there! Thank you for spending your time reading this. If you didn't know, this is the first book in a trilogy, soon to be quartet or quadrilogy. There really isn't much else you need to know. 

I hope you enjoy this book, and if you continue into the series, I hope you enjoy that as well. Please give all the feedback you want. I love reading comments. Have a nice day, and please, do enjoy. 

𝗗 𝗘 𝗔 𝗥   𝗥 𝗘 𝗥 𝗘 𝗔 𝗗 𝗘 𝗥 𝗦 :

Things may have changed since the last time you were here. I am in the process of editing the entire series. Small details are changing and being fledged out further to make details in the later books make more sense, as well as to be sure the fourth book when it is written, doesn't stand out so much. 

Thank you all for the support and your return. I am so thankful that some of you love this series as much as you do. Please continue on and enjoy it all again. For those of you that were here since the beginning, I am so happy that you guys had the commitment to stand by this series in all of its problems. I hope you enjoy the edited/rewritten version just as much, if not more than you did the original. And give all the feedback you want because I love reading the comments and what you all think of the reboot. Have a nice day, and please enjoy!

𝗦 𝗨 𝗠 𝗠 𝗔 𝗥 𝗬 :

"Peter took a deep breath once he rounded the corner. He needed to control himself before he ended up doing something that really would end this. He hated to admit it, but he let himself care. He let himself want this, and despite his mind knowing it was a ridiculous idea that could only end badly, every part of him wanted to go back and make out with the hot man in his living room."


Peter hated himself. The people that were once his family, he no longer knew. Hydra's programming had gone too deep, or so he let himself believe. He wanted to make up for his actions, but he knew nothing could atone for all of the innocent lives he took. 

He had no idea why he was saved from that hellhole when he was that last person who deserved it, but maybe, just maybe, it was so that he could save someone stuck in 1942. Or maybe it was so that person could save him.


A story in which Spiderman was never a hero. Closer to the opposite, really, he ended up a mind-wiped soldier for Hydra. Peter is living with the guilt of what he did for them, and Bucky Barnes is living with the guilt of being the Winter Soldier. What happens when they meet in a bar?


Peter is 21, and Bucky Barnes is 23 (100). 

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