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Peter tried to sound casual as he asked in English, "Uh, are you planning on doing something this Saturday?"

"Hm, I think I have work," Flash said, "Why?"

"I'm having a friend over," Peter said as he got a glass of water.

"You have friends?"

"Yes, I have friends," Peter folded his arms, "Just because you haven't met them doesn't mean they don't exist."

"You sure this chic is just a friend?

"No," Peter said casually as he ate a sandwich.


"Well for one, he's not chic. For two we've made out  like four or five times?"

"Sorry for uh assuming, you know. It's just back in high school you made it pretty clear that you were straight," Flash said, "But uh, sounds like he is more than a friend to me."

"You got something you need to do or not, Spongebob?"

"I'll find something," Flash said as he pulled up his pants. Peter laughed.


PETER WAS WEARING DARK BLUE JEANS AND A NAVY SHIRT. His hair was curly because Bucky had mentioned preferring it.

Peter and Bucky had met up a few times. Most of them ending in making out, but this was their first official date. Peter wasn't sure why he was starting something he knew had no good ending. Maybe it was because he really needed something to take his mind off of everything, or maybe it was because he liked to torture himself with things he knew would never last. Either way, Bucky was going to be there soon, and Peter was looking forward to it.

"See you, dork," Flash said as he headed towards the front door.

Peter hummed, "Shit Goblin."

"What?" Flash asked.

"Oh, sorry, I said see you," Peter said with a toothy grin. Flash hummed unconvinced. 

Peter was surprised at how familiar Flash felt. Despite Peter's unsocial nature and destructive tendencies, the two of them got along well. While he was at the tower, he was struggling to get along with everyone let alone trusting them enough to sleep for long periods of time. Not that he was really sleeping now, but that wasn't Flash's fault.

Flash opened the door which revealed Bucky who was about to knock, "I don't blame you, Peter, for nearly getting booted out of RCG. He's pretty hot."

"Goodbye, Flash," Peter said as he stood up and lightly began pushing him out of the house.

"I'm going, I'm going," Flash threw his hands into the air.

Peter then set his eyes on the man at the door and allowed them to wander. He was wearing a maroon long sleeve shirt, a great jacket that hugged his arms, jeans, his black gloves, and a baseball cap on. Peter blinked himself back into reality and invited Bucky in.

Bucky's eyes wandered over Peter as he walked inside. Peter smirked.

"What do you want to watch?" Peter said as he led Bucky over to the small collection of movies.

"I've always wanted to see Lord of The Rings. I read it a while back," Bucky said as he picked up what Peter thought was the first Lord of The Rings film. To be honest, he wasn't sure. Flash brought most of the movies that were on the shelf and Peter had no idea what they were about, but he did want to see the one labeled as Star Wars. Something about it intrigued him and he wasn't sure what.

"Me too," Peter said. Bucky placed a quick kiss on his cheek and Peter blushed.

Wait. Peter. Just. Blushed.

(TW: suicidal thought, sorta)

To say the least, he was surprised. He had been too depressed to smile let alone to even think about blushing. And now he felt slightly guilty. He killed way too many innocent people, and he was blushing and allowing himself to enjoy life; the same life he didn't deserve. Peter pushed the guilt away as best he could. He could hate himself later.

(TW over)

Peter put the movie in and the two men settled in on the couch. Peter then remembered he meant to make popcorn, "Do you want any popcorn? I meant to make it earlier but Flash ended up needing help," Peter explained.

"Do you have any popcorn?"

"Why would I ask if I didn't?" Peter's eyes glanced down to Bucky's lips as he felt like he was being pulled closer to the taller man.

"I don't know. Sounds like something a Dr. Pepper lover would do."

"I think you mean," Peter's lips were nearly touching Bucky's when he stopped moving closer, "Sounds like something a Sprite lover would do," Peter let out a breathy whisper with a small smirk.

Not a moment later, Bucky had pulled Peter into him, connecting their lips, by the back of his neck. Peter's fingers tangled into Bucky's hair as he crawled into his lap and straddled him. Bucky's hands squeezed Peter's hips and pulled him as close as he could. Bucky licked Peter's bottom lip, and Peter let him in willingly. Peter slipped his hands under Bucky's jacket. Bucky's gloved thumbs slid under his shirt and rubbed softly on Peter's hips.

Peter loved it until reality reminded him why that was a bad idea and just how much of a bad idea that was. Peter broke away and rested his forehead on Bucky's as he caught his breath for a moment. Bucky was smirking at him.

"I'm going to make the popcorn," Peter whispered in his ear. After kissing Bucky's nose, Peter crawled out of his lap.

"You little tease," Bucky sighed as he watched Peter walk into the kitchen.

Peter took a deep breath once he rounded the corner. He needed to control himself before he ended up doing something that really would end this. He hated to admit it, but he let himself care. He let himself want this, and despite his mind knowing it was a stupid idea that could only end badly, every part of him wanted to go back and make out with the hot man in his living room.

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