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FIVE MONTHS WAS ALL IT TOOK. Peter had left. If he was honest with himself, he was surprised it lasted as long as it did. He would always be grateful to the people who saved him from that hellhole, but he couldn't take the stares and rigorous probing at his memories in an attempt to get them back any longer. Do you remember this? What about that time we almost blew up the building? Your high school friends want to see you.

It wasn't helping him at all when they kept trying to remind him of the little boy he was eight years ago. He needed to breathe, and so he left.

Peter left behind a note. It explained a few things. There was no mention of how trapped he felt, or that he felt smothered. Instead, he told them he needed space and time. He may have been an assassin, but he wasn't a complete douche, usually.

Peter did not say a thing about where he was going or that he was leaving at all, besides the note. He knew they would never leave him be if they knew where he was going. They would check in on him in person and bring attention to him.

Peter's well-being was not the only thing that caused him to leave. He posed a threat to everyone in the tower, if not New York, by staying there. While the world believed he was still missing or dead, Hydra knew the truth, and probably had the Avengers saving him on tape. He didn't know them, but they didn't deserve to be brought into this. No one deserved what he had been through but him.

Peter was jet-lagged and needed a drink.

There happened to be a bar near his house that had no furniture in it. So instead of getting furniture, he went to the bar. Just like any self-respecting, Hydra escapee would.

He avoided any way he could be identified as he made his way into the bar.

Peter knew he was getting odd looks. Most people, even in Russia, couldn't drink as he could; most people haven't been experimented on with knock-off serums and who-knows-what-else had been put into his system.

Peter was almost drunk when he noticed a hot guy a few stools down at the bar. He had shaggy, long hair that looked as if it hadn't been cut in years, quite the impressive beard, and he was drinking quite a lot. Just Peter's type.

As the hot male stared at the tv, Peter stared at him. The guy looked sad, and Peter knew it wouldn't amount to anything, but he decided he wanted to change that. Peter took a deep breath.


BUCKY HAD BEEN IN RUSSIA FOR ALMOST A YEAR. He had Steve to thank for it. If he hadn't almost killed his best friend, he never would have gotten his freedom.

Bucky left the United States because he didn't want to screw up Steve's life anymore. Steve had a husband, and that was probably the only thing that had gone right in his life in the last eight years after his son died. Bucky did not want to be another letdown.

So he packed everything up and moved to Russia before ever meeting this husband that Steve spoke remarkably happily about. While he said his goodbyes to Steve, he didn't tell him where it was he was going, or how long.

He had put on gloves along with wearing long sleeves, in order to make his arm look normal. He could claim to be a germaphobe, or make up some other lie on the spot if asked. He hated even seeing the arm, so the act, as much as it was to keep his presence a secret, it was also for himself. All he wanted to do was forget everything he had been forced to do.

Bucky was appreciative that Steve had gotten him out of Hydra's control, but he just couldn't face the kid he always looked up to.

Bucky was sipping on a drink when he noticed a cute guy checking him out from a few stools down. He had short, curly brown hair, his eyes were filled with regret and anguish, but he looked too young to have that much regret or sadness in his life. Honestly, he looked to young to be at a bar, but who was Bucky to judge? Bucky looked back to the tv, not expecting the brunette to do anything.

Bucky was surprised, to say the least when the curly-haired boy moved over a few seats and started trying to talk to him.

"Hello," The man said in Russian before taking a sip of his drink.

"Hello," Bucky replied in the same accent and language. Since most Hydra bases were in Russia, it was something he had picked up on, "What's your name?"

"Peter. Yours?" Peter asked.

"James," Bucky responded.

"Where are you from, James?" Peter asked.

"Brooklynn, New York," Bucky responded, "It's in the US, what about you?"

Before he was asked, Peter wasn't sure where he was from. All he had was one fuzzy memory to go off of, but for some reason now he knew, so with a smirk, he told his new friend, "Queens."

"You two speak Russian well for a couple of Americans, sure do hold your liquor like a Russian though," the bartender commented as he poured them another glass

One thing led to another, and the two men ended up in the bathroom. Peter locked the door as Bucky pushed him against it. As they made out, Peter's hands found their way into Bucky's long hair, and Bucky's hands had a firm grip on Peter's waste.

For the first time in a long time, Bucky didn't feel guilty. He felt like himself, and as if he hadn't killed twenty-seven people. As if he were still the man that died when he fell off that cliff fighting for his country, and his best friend.

He could get used to this.

I hope some of you are happy to see that it still escalated just as quickly as the original. Just answer this quick survey for my indecisive self, and then be on your marry-way and have a good day!

What's your favorite change?

How do you feel about the editing and the gif?

Should I take out all of the notes at the end of each chapter?

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