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"I LOVE YOU 3,000," Peter smiled as he kissed Bucky. Peter was holding onto Bucky's belt loops to pull him closer.

Bucky returned the kiss, but broke away only a moment later, "Wait, why three thousand?" Bucky's head tilted to the side as if he were a confused puppy. Peter loved how adorable and tiny Bucky could seem, despite his taller stature, and very big muscles.

Peter had to take a moment to think about why he said three thousand. It had been a long time since he had even thought of the words. They were the first thing he remembered outside of Hydra, but he hadn't spoken the words. Even before he knew what it meant he knew it meant something.

"I don't know why I said it," Peter answered as he played with the hem of Bucky's shirt. Peter took a deep breath and a faint but sad smile made its way across Peter's lips, "My little sister used to say it..."

Bucky spoke softly as he cupped Peter's cheek with his right hand and used his left to push Peter's hair out of his face, "I didn't know you had a sister."

"I don't... Not anymore. She... uh... died...," Peter spoke slowly. He was having trouble remembering the details about her death. Peter's eyes closed as he became frustrated with himself for not knowing, "nine or so years, I think?" it came out as more of a question, "Next month... it's important," Peter mumbled. He bit his lip as he tried to remember.

"You don't have to know right now," Bucky hugged Peter tightly, "Your head's gonna be screwy for a while."

Peter held onto Bucky as he calmed himself down using Bucky's scent as a grounding point. Bucky gently rubbed Peter's back until he calmed down and let go of him.

"I'm okay," Peter shook himself out of whatever funk he had been put into by the mentioning of his sister.

"You know you don't have to be okay. It's okay if you can't always be strong," Bucky kissed Peter's forehead before looking into his chocolate eyes.

"I know, but I'm okay I promise. I came to terms with her death long before Hydra," Peter said before pecking Bucky on the lips, "And I'm beginning to get used to not remember shit."

"If you need to talk anything out," Bucky said with a stern look.

"I know, I know, come to you," Peter smiled as he twiddled Bucky's hair in his right hand. Bucky leaned forward and pressed yet another kiss to Peter's lips and backed him into his front door.

Peter broke away much to Bucky's displeasure, "You have work." Peter said as he leaned back and placed his hands firmly on Bucky's chest to force some space between the two of them. Bucky ignored Peter's worries and pulled him in by his hips. He connected their lips yet again.

Before things could get out of hand, Peter pulled away again, "I'm not going to be the reason you get fired for being late."

"You're worth being late for," Bucky whispered into Peter's ear before he began kissing his neck. This time, Peter didn't make a move to push him off.

"You kids and not understanding other people live here too!" Mrs. Vanderbelt yelled from her yard.

"Sorry Mrs. Vanderbelt!" Peter said loudly as he scrunched his face in embarrassment and placed his face into Bucky's shoulder.

"Won't happen again!" Bucky yelled with an awkward smile and a wave.

"It better not!" She grumbled before walking inside of her house.

"That ruined the moment didn't it?"


Bucky groaned before releasing Peter, "Bye."

Peter walked inside.


WHEN PETER WAS MAKING A SANDWICH FOR HIMSELF, HE HEARD A KNOCK AT THE DOOR. He let out a loud groan as he stomped over to the door. He assumed it was Flash because the man had a bad habit of forgetting his keys. It was so bad that one time he called Peter at work to come and pick up his keys so that he could get into the house before one in the morning because Peter happened to be closing that night.

"You have got to stop forgetting your keys, man-" Peter cut himself off when he realized it wasn't Flash at the door, "How the hell..."

"Are you going to invite me in? Or am I going to have to find an open window?"

Peter moved out of the way and let her in. She thanked him with a smile and a nod as she walked past him. Peter shut the door and was speechless. He had been careful... mostly. Granted, making out with Bucky out in the open... not the most discreet move, especially considering everything.

"Relax, I'm not going to tell Steve and Tony about where you are. No one even knows I left."

"You, uh, you don't have to speak English. I know more Russian than I do about my own childhood," Peter said as he shifted awkwardly.

He was so bad with names. He knew who she was. She was his aunt, the amazing Russian spy that tried to make him feel normal. He knew just about everything about her, except her name.

"Nat, but you can call me Aunt Tasha, whichever you're more comfortable with," Natasha gave him a sideways smile, "Is being here helping?" Natasha hesitated slightly. Neither of them were exactly comfortable and she was giving him a slight lost puppy look, but it wasn't as bad as the one he received from Steve.

"I've remembered more about my life here in the last two months than I did in the four years before that."

"Is it the place, or the boyfriend I've heard about?"

Peter blushed slightly, "A mix, I think."

The room fell silent. Natasha was looking around and Peter had no idea what to do. He didn't know if he should try and defend why he went to Russia, or if he should stay silent while she looked around. One question was bouncing around in his head.

"How did you find me?" Peter asked quietly. He was scared that she was going to try and make him go back to New York. He wasn't exactly an expert on the matter, but he just knew New York and everything that came with going back was not a good idea at the moment. He knew what they wanted, and it wasn't him. It was the kid that died on the rooftop.

"I know good hiding places for when you need to lie low, and I had a friend watching out for you here since I knew just how well you can speak Russian," Natasha sighed, "I'm not here to bring you home, or tell everyone where you are. If I was going to do that, I could have flown the quinjet instead of flying commercially."

"So you're not going to tell anyone where I am?" Peter asked cautiously.

"No, I love your dads, Peter, but they wouldn't understand this. They love you so much that they blind themselves to the truth that they smother you. Even as a kid, you were constantly hanging out with one of your aunts or uncles so that they couldn't kill your social life.

"Thank you."

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