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PETER WAS HOLDING HIS GIRLFRIEND'S HAND WHILE TONY AND STEVE STARED AT THEM. Happy was driving them to a very nice restaurant, and with his driving, even in New York, they made it there pretty quickly.

They were lead to a table in the back so that people wouldn't come up to them while Peter was introducing his girlfriend to his parents. Peter pulled out the chair for Mary Jane just like Steve had taught him to do.

"So, Peter. How is school going?" Tony asked as Peter sat down next to Mary Jane. 

"It's, uh, been interesting," Peter said as he thought about everything going on at the time.

"Mann assigned another huge project. I swear, his core belief is that teenagers love English and have absolutely nothing else to do with their time!" Mary Jane complained.

"He can't be that bad, can he?" Steve chuckled.

"He is," Peter and Tony said at the same time.

"You weren't at the open house, Steve," Tony said as he rested his hand on Steve's.

They continued to talk as they ordered their food and then waited on it to arrive. It did not take long for their food to arrive, and it was obvious their waiter was fanboying about Tony, Steve, and Peter Stark-Rogers being in his section at the restaurant he worked at. Steve, bring the nice person he is, gave the boy a signature.

They got their food and Peter was only picking at his while they talked. Mary Jane was very social and Peter was mostly just staring at her when he caught sight of someone out of the corner of his eye.

It was a man in his late thirties. He was in the window staring directly at him. It was the one window in the restaurant that had a clear view of their table. He had a malicious smirk on his face.

Peter turned to tell Steve about who he assumed was a creep stalker when Steve pulled him and Mary Jane behind the table. A bomb went off not a half of a second later. Peter's ears were ringing and Tony was injured, badly.

Peter shot awake, "Okay that's it. I'm done," He said out of breath. He was tired of waking up in a cold sweat.

A few days ago Flash had come into his room when he was screaming. Peter was lucky he didn't try to kill the man in his nightmare-stricken state. It was getting increasingly dangerous for him to go to sleep with him in the house. 

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