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AFTER PETER CALMED HIMSELF DOWN, HE BROUGHT A BOWL OF POPCORN, A SPRITE, AND TWO BEERS INTO THE LIVING ROOM. It was a balancing act, but Peter managed. He wanted to drink, but he also knew Bucky liked Sprite, so he brought him both.

"I thought you hated Sprite," Bucky chuckled.

"I do, but my roommate is in love with it."

"Sounds like you're outnumbered, Pete." 

"Oh shut up. Sprite is a terrible basic bitch drink, and nothing will change my mind. Not even you, James," Peter said before laying his head onto Bucky's right shoulder. Bucky placed his arm around Peter as the movie started.

"I may not be able to change your mind, but I can still disagree with you, and show you facts," Bucky said lowly into his ear. Peter shivered before looking up at him with a shit-eating grin.

"Flash also likes ranch soda. I don't think you can use him as leverage," Peter was astonished.

He remembered something. He remembered it without living through a horrible memory. It was like a basic fact that he already knew. Maybe he wasn't just the assassin Hydra made him. Maybe he was worth something after all.

"Okay, yeah. Your roommate is just weird," Bucky commented with an eye-roll.

"So weird," Peter scooted closer to Bucky and got in his face. He looked down at Bucky's lips, licked his own before settling back next to him. Bucky pulled him close before connecting their lips.

It started off as a slow kiss with Peter's fingers tangling into Bucky's hair and Bucky's hands slowly sliding around his waist, but as both of them pulled the other closer it began to get more heated. Peter straddled Bucky and his hands began to roam the taller's body.

He no longer cared. He knew he would regret his recklessness but he didn't care. He wanted this, and he figured he should try before something else about him ruined the amazing thing they had going.

Peter tugged on Bucky's jacket, and Bucky shrugged it off without breaking their kiss. 

Peter came to his senses enough to know that if this went where he wanted, Flash would be back at some point and never let him live it down if they screwed on the couch.

Peter broke the kiss and whispered in Bucky's ear, "Bedroom."

Once they made it upstairs, and into Peter's bedroom, Bucky pushed Peter against his door and began kissing him again. Peter locked the door.

Peter's fingers traced the hem of Bucky's shirt before pulling it off.

There was a stunned silence for a moment as Peter looked at Bucky's chest and his arm. The gloves made a lot more sense now.

That's when it seemed to click.

Bucky went to grab the shirt they had just thrown on the floor but Peter grabbed his hand before pulling off his own shirt.

Bucky looked down in shock at his scars and tatts. Peter shifted slightly under his gaze. This was something even the Avengers hadn't seen. He didn't like people knowing about them, but he also didn't know another way to tell Bucky that he understood. His understanding of the arm came from almost having one himself, before they realized that his healing ability was strong enough to repair his own arm. He still had some small scars from the incident.

Bucky wrapped him in a hug which Peter reciprocated. At first, he expected the arm to be cold, but it wasn't. It was only slightly colder than his other arm and that fascinated Peter, but that was a question for another time.

Peter held onto Bucky like he was going to slip away and disappear because Peter was terrified of exactly that happening.


BUCKY WOKE UP TO PETER THRASHING AROUND NEXT TO HIM IN A COLD SWEAT. They had fallen asleep in Peter's bed the night before.

Bucky wrapped Peter in a tight hug to keep him from thrashing too much or hurting either of them, "Pete, hey, it's not real anymore. You got out of there. I'm right here," Bucky said soothingly into Peter's ear. He continued to whisper sweet nothings until Peter slowly stopped thrashing.

Peter slumped against Bucky, obviously in a deep sleep. Bucky spooned Peter as he began to wonder just how often Peter was kept awake by these nightmares. Bucky nestled his face into the back of Peter's neck and began dozing back off

Peter's jumped awake and broke away from Bucky's arms snapping him out of whatever sleep he was just about to fall back into.

"Are you alright?" Bucky asked the sweaty man next to him as he sat up.

Peter took a deep breath and balled his fists before slowly saying, "I-I'm fine."

"Ok," Bucky took Peter's hands in his own gently and pulled Peter into him. Bucky wrapped his arms around Peter and took his hands.

"You're going to accept that answer?" Peter asked out of pure shock.

"Don't think I believe you for a second. But I also know what it's like to not want to talk about it. So, until you're ready, I'll be here, doing this, and if you aren't ready before I have to go, I will be back to do this every time you need it."

"Th... Th... Thank... you," Peter stumbled and choked out as he took his hands from Bucky and wrapped them around his neck.

"Do you want to get up, or do you want to go back to bed?"

"I want to lay here with you."


"YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT! THIS UGLY ASS GOT ASKED OU..." Flash said loudly in English as he came into Peter's room.

Peter and Bucky yanked the blanket up as he did so and Bucky hid his arm under said blanket while Peter hid his scars, "What the hell!"

"Sorry, I didn't know you could get some! Woo! Peter is no longer a virgin!"

"Haven't been a virgin in a very long time," Peter glared.

"Yeah, you sure proved that last night," Bucky chuckled with a smirk.

Peter turned a bright shade of red before he slapped Bucky's thigh.

"What did he say to make you blush so much?" Flash asked.

"Privacy Flash! Leave so we can, you know, have it!"

"Ugh fine, buzzkill! But I want all the details!" Flash yelled as he walked out.

"Shut the door!" Peter yelled. Flash frowned as he came back and did so.

"He is an interesting breed," Bucky chuckled.

"Oh, no, I am getting revenge on you for that."

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