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PETER WAS ON A ROOF. He had just gotten out of school. He and someone he cared very deeply about, were up there eating a picnic. The girl had shoulder-length red hair, a headband, and she was wearing a jacket that was too large for her. She had bright green eyes and bangs.

"I like your hair, Mary-Jane. You look good with bangs." He gave her a genuine smile. He felt innocent. His shoulders were not heavy, and he felt like he could breathe for the first time in a long time.

"You're too sweet, Pete." She said before leaning in to kiss him. Peter kissed her back. All of a sudden the entrance to the roof was kicked open by two men in suits.

"I-I'm sorry, Are we not supposed to be up here? The lady at the desk said-" Peter stumbled out in shock before being interrupted.

"Subject 007 has been found." The man spoke in a low voice.

Peter looked to Mary Jane. She looked undoubtedly confused, "What?" she asked.

"Kill the girl." One man said to the other. Before Peter could do anything he had kicked Mary Jane off of the building. Peter turned and tried to grab her hand before she could hit the ground. He barely missed her hand. He watched as the green-eyed girl, who he cared about, plummeted to the ground. Then everything went black.

Peter surged awake sweating and aghast. He was on the ceiling. The innocence and clearness he had about his past moments ago were now gone. All he was left with was the few memories that had come back since he escaped. Peter looked around frantically, and ready to fight until he realized he was in his own place. He caught his breath as he lowered himself to the ground next to the bed that he had just started using. "Damn. That was a new one," Peter sighed as he wiped the tears. He looked over at the clock, 0500 hours. Peter knew there was no going back to sleep after that, so he grabbed clothes, and went to the shower. 

After his shower, it was still only 0600 hours. He started to clean the house as he made himself breakfast. He was supposed to be getting a roommate. Pete wasn't exactly fond of the idea of another person staying with him, but the money he took from Stark could only take him so far.

His roommate was supposed to start moving in at 1100 hours, and he was supposed to go to work for 'training' at 1500 hours. He wanted to introduce himself to his new roommate. Peter ate and got dressed. Still. It was only 0830 hours.. He was bored. Boredom scared Peter because it left him with nothing but his mind, and his mind scared the shit out of him.

What better distraction than a guy you just met at a bar who wore gloves? Peter meant to ask about the gloves, he really did, it's just... he got a little distracted. 

And against his better judgment, he invited the very hot man from the bar to his house. After all, if he wasn't meant to use it, then why did he have it?

Yeah... there was no way this was going to end well.


PETER AND BUCKY WERE WATCHING A MOVIE WHEN THE DOORBELL RANG. Peter looked up to see that it was 01100 hours. He had lost track of time.

Bucky made Peter feel like a different person when he was around. It made no sense to Peter, but he was glad to keep the feeling around as long as he could. Even if he knew that it was going to end badly.

Peter cursed as he set down his food. Bucky looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "You got a hot date or something?"

"That's you," Peter winked as he stood up, "This is my new roommate," Peter said as he walked over to the door.

"Want me to go? I could sneak out the back," Bucky offered.

"Nah," Peter shook his head and shrugged, "Besides could be worse. We could have been screwing."

Bucky choked on his drink while Peter opened the door.

"Peter!" the guy yelled as he wrapped Peter in a hug. Peter did not reciprocate said hug as he looked down at the guy wide-eyed, "I thought you were dead!" He said in English.

Bucky gave Peter a confused look, "I don't know," Peter said in Russian.

"Woah, you speak Russian really well," He said with a confused face, "Who's he?"

"He seems to know you pretty well," Bucky chuckled ay Peter's apparent discomfort.

"No clue how," Peter answered.

"Could one of you speak English for one minute?" He asked, "Come on, Peter, it's Flash, from high school," Flash said as he gestured to himself.

"When did you get to Russia?" Peter asked as he racked his brain for any fragment of a memory of this man, but nothing came up.

"This month. What about you?" It was silent for a moment before Flash spoke up, "You don't know who I am do you? I guess it's been a while and I wouldn't blame you for wanting to forget me. I did some pretty shitty stuff back then," Flash rambled before Peter interrupted him.

"Chill, I was in an accident. I don't remember much of anything from before it," Peter said.

"Do your parents know your alive?" Flash asked, "We all thought you died a while ago. When did this accident happen? Where have you been?"

"A selective few know I'm alive. I'd like it if you wouldn't tell anyone that way I don't end up worse off," Peter explained, "Doctors said it'd be better if I wasn't overly stimulated, but memories still haven't come back, so I came here," Peter lied. It was something he came up with on the spot, but an excuse he would remember well.

"Who's the stoic Russian guy?" Flash asked.

"He thinks I'm Russian," Bucky smiled, "Don't tell him, I think it'll be funny."

"You're not wrong," Peter smiled, "He's complicated. But uh, let's get you moved in, shall we?"

"Uh, sure," Flash said.

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