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TW: Sexual harrassment
TW2: Mentions of Sexual Assault

PETER WASN'T DOING TOO WELL. In the last three months, since Natasha went back to the states, his mental health was going downhill. Peter had no idea why, but nothing worked to stop it.

He was more on edge even around the one person who was supposed to make it all better. He was terrified that they were going to find him. He wasn't sleeping anymore. He stayed up late near his front door and watched it. He would settle himself onto the ceiling and watch every entrance into the home from his spot. He knew it wasn't a good idea, but he didn't feel safe otherwise. Flash had already almost found him two times in the last week. Who knew he drank so much water?

Peter couldn't understand what was going wrong. He and Bucky were doing amazing. He had been even more careful since Natasha found him. It made him feel guilty.

He found himself in a bar getting a little too drunk. He was drowning whatever demon was making that day worse than usual. He was minding his own business when a woman decided to sit next to him.

"Hello there," She said sweetly with a smile.

"I don't speak Russian," Peter lied with an eye-roll. He just wanted to be alone. He wanted to be alone and drunk even if that was a bad idea. He didn't want to burden anyone with his problems.

"That ok. I speak little English," She said in a seductive tone. 

Peter sighed as he placed his drink on the bar counter, "Take a hint and go fuck someone who's interested," Peter slurred slightly.

"I bet I could put you in a better mood," She rubbed his thigh and bit her lip as she checked him out.

Peter removed her hand, "I am with someone."

"I don't see her around here," she said as she looked around the bar. She scooted closer to him.

"He's not around. We're dating, but that doesn't mean we're always together," Peter took a swig of his drink as he turned back towards the bar so he could continue to watch whatever was on the television.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 & 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 | WinterSpider | [𝟏] ✔Where stories live. Discover now