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TW: Self-Harm at the end of the chapter.

PETER FELT BUCKY SIT UP ABRUPTLY. Peter opened his eyes to see Bucky out of breath and sweating profusely. Peter sat up next to him.

"Baby?" Peter asked as he cupped Bucky's jaw. Bucky took a moment to catch his breath before he hugged Peter tightly. Peter returned the hug and drew calming circles on his back. He didn't need to be told what just happened.

Bucky was remembering something that he had blocked out, and as Peter had experienced many times, it haunts you.

"Hey, I'm right here, it's over," Peter said as he tried to calm Bucky down, "Do you want to talk about it?" Peter asked as he and bucky rocked slightly.

"No," Bucky said without moving from his spot in Peter's arms. His head was buried in Peter's neck.

"That's okay. Why don't we go eat some breakfast?" Bucky nodded as he pulled away.


PETER WAS MAKING EGGS AND TOAST WHILE BUCKY STARTED SOME COFFEE. They were in nothing more than their boxers.

"I can't believe we've been dating for a whole seven months. It feels like it was yesterday when we met in the bar," Peter said with a small smile before he realized, "Damn, I've been in Russia for eight months."

Bucky smiled, "I'm just glad I went to the bar that night," Bucky said as he slipped his arms around Peter's waist from behind. He rested his head between Peter's shoulder blades.

"To think, I could have been buying furniture, and instead I met the love of my life in a bar," Peter chuckled.

"I love you too," Bucky mumbled before pressing a kiss to Peter's shoulder. He walked to the coffee maker and poured himself and Peter a cup. He added sweetener and sugar to Peter's while leaving his own black.

Peter took the coffee mug from Bucky's hand and smelled it, "Why are you so much better than me at making coffee? I can't make it taste half as good as this," Peter pouted slightly.

"What do you mean?" Bucky inquired as he may or may not have been checking Peter out from behind. Peter would never know.

"I mean I can never make it taste right," Peter said as he put the eggs onto two plates along with some toast. Bucky and Peter picked up their plates and walked to the couch. Bucky sat down before Peter sat in his lap.

"Well, I don't know how you make eggs taste this well," Bucky said before taking another bite of food.

"My dads always made sure I knew how to cook so that when they didn't want to, I could," Peter chuckled.

"Well they did a very good job of teaching you," Bucky said as he kissed Peter's cheek.


"DO I NEED TO TAKE OFF WORK TODAY?" Peter asked from his place between Bucky's legs, "I have plenty of sick days."

"No, you don't need to take off work for me," Bucky said as he held onto Peter's hips and looked up to him. His mind was telling him the opposite, but Bucky hated being a burden. Plus Peter needed the money.

"Are you sure? This morning seemed pretty serious," Peter said as he brushed Bucky's hair behind his ears.

"I'll be fine baby," Bucky said as he rubbed Peter's hips. Peter leaned down to kiss him. He was unconvinced, but he could only do so much. He didn't want to do to bucky what staying with Steve and Tony did to him.

"Okay, but call me if you need me, and I mean it," He said against Bucky's lips before kissing him again.

"Okay," Bucky said. Peter kissed his head before turning to walk out. Bucky slapped his ass, "Love you."

Peter giggled, "Forever and always," Peter replied. he made his way out of the house.

He was worried, but he trusted Bucky to call him if things got bad.


TW: Self-Harm

PETER WAS ABOUT TO CRY AT THE SIGHT BEFORE HIM. Bucky was thrashing around in the bed. His right hand and his left shoulder were covered in blood. It looked like he had tried to claw off the metal arm.

Peter snapped into action once he got over his shock, "Babe!" Peter said as he tried to wake him up, "Baby," Peter climbed into the bed with him. Not the safest option, but he didn't care.

"Babe, you're bleeding, please, snap out of it!" Peter said as he tried to shake Bucky out of it, "I'm here."

Bucky settled down slightly but was still thrashing and muttering things about Hydra.

"They don't have you anymore, James," Peter choked back a sob, "Please wake up."

Bucky slowly came out of it and Peter wrapped him in a tight hug, "I'm sorry," Bucky muttered.

"Don't be. I shouldn't have left," Peter said as he held onto Bucky and shook his head.

"I told you to."

"And I knew better, but I still listened."

"Baby I'm getting blood all over your work shirt."

"If you think I care more about this shirt than you, you are sorely mistaken," Peter pulled him closer. Bucky buried his nose in Peter's neck, "I thought I'd lost you for a second," Peter mumbled as he kissed Bucky's hair.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," Bucky said with a weak smile. His smile faded, "I'll talk about it now."

Peter could tell he didn't really want to, but Peter also knew that this would keep happening if he didn't, and he was always willing to listen.

"After I bandage up your shoulder," Peter said as he pulled back to inspect it.

So, I really changed this one, but it was way too long. I know long chapters are fun, but it really just stood out compared to all the others. It was 2000+ words longer than the rest and it was the only one, besides the first chapter, that held Bucky's point of view.

How confused do you think people will get when I remove the Author's note and they see comments that were a response to this?>>>

Should Bucky get a Sebastian Stan hair cut?

Hell yes.

Hell no.

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