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PETER AWOKE TO SEE BUCKY LOOKING AT HIM LOVINGLY, "Stop it," Peter mumbled before closing his eyes and turning his head to look the opposite way of Bucky. He would have stared at his beautiful boyfriend, but he was half asleep, and enjoying it for the first time in a very long time, and the sun was shining in the window.

"But you're so breathtaking," Bucky said as he drew circles on Peter's bare chest. The motion was causing Peter's skin to buzz.

"Breathtakingly tired," Peter said with a smile, but his eyes were still shut and his head was still turned the other way, "So stop it."

"Why?" Bucky said innocently enough.

Peter turned over to face Bucky and opened his eyes to get a good look at Bucky who seemed to be extra clingy, "Because it's creepy," He said softly.

"Cuddle?" Bucky asked. Peter nodded. Bucky rolled over onto Peter's stomach and laid his head on Peter's chest as he wrapped his arms around Peter's bare torso.

"You okay?" Peter asked as he wrapped one arm around Bucky and combed his fingers through Bucky's hair with the other. Bucky shook his head softly, "Wanna talk about it?"

"My head... it's screwing with me," Bucky said softly. Peter gave him a sympathetic smile and planted a kiss on his head, "It's ironic, ya know," Bucky said with a smile as he admired Peter.

"What's ironic?" Peter asked as he looked down at Bucky.

"Somehow, we both end up in Russia because we were turned into brainwashed serial killers by them, our heads were too screwed up to stay with the people that saved us, and we're in the same tiny town. One of the few towns that isn't scarily homophobic in this area."

"To me, it's not ironic. If I - at least for me - tried to date someone long-term who hadn't gone through what I did, I know it wouldn't last. I don't open up to people very easily. It's near too impossible to explain what you go through there. Plus most people wouldn't date a serial killer who knows way too much about some pretty scary stuff. Not to mention most people are terrified of me and refer to me as a ticking time bomb." Peter said.

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