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PETER WAS PACING AROUND HIS KITCHEN LIKE A MAD MAN. He had been planning this for months, but he was still overly and unbelievably nervous. Bucky was the love of his life, and this meant a lot to him. Peter thought he couldn't get nervous anymore before he began planning this. He was terrified. He had three hours to finish before Bucky got home from work.

He remembered that when he was young he had always wanted his family there to record and witness him propose or him being proposed to. He knew that it wasn't happening for this. It made him kind of sad that they wouldn't be there, but he was also terrified of how they would react. Bucky always assured him that if Steve disapproved of their relationship it would be okay, but Peter knew that it would really hurt Bucky.

But even with that fear in the back of his mind, he was slowly gaining the itch to go to New York and see how everyone had gotten on without him around in the last year and a half.  Peter thought that he would go back eventually to check-in, but now he had something to lose. It was something he desperately wanted to keep. He found himself wondering about them a lot. 

"Stop, now isn't the time to think if I'm ever going to go to the states or not," Peter said abruptly. He stopped pacing and picked up his phone.

"I'm just checking that our plan is still up for tonight?" Peter asked in English.

"Yeah, Jo even agreed. He's been waiting to see you two get engaged since the first night you met," Flash said. Peter could hear the smile in his voice.

"Well, that makes me feel so much better, Flash. It got rid of all my nerves. Thank you." Peter said sarcastically

"Oh calm down. You two are perfect for each other," Flash chuckled, "Now go cook that chicken thing you told me about and calm down. He's going to say yes, and you're going to laugh at yourself for worrying so much in a few year's time."

"Ok, Ok... Yeah, you're right. I need to get back to that...," Peter trailed off, "Oh, and Flash?"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"It's chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham, with some homemade mash on the side. I've told you like a million times," Peter laughed before hanging up. 

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