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Бойфрендов ... ИЛИ НЕ ...

PETER DID NOT TAKE LONG TO GET HIMSELF READY. He left his hair curly and pulls on a maroon sweatshirt with black jeans. 

He was poking at his hair when his phone dinged with a notification from Bucky. He was there

"Where are you going?" Flash asked with clear interest.

"Out," Peter shrugged.

"Out where?" Flash questioned.

"Out none of your business," Peter said with a sassy undercurrent before walking outside and shutting the door behind him. He got into Bucky's car, "Nice car, Buckaroo." Peter grinned.

Bucky scoffed, "I was really hoping you had forgotten about that one," Bucky said as he leaned in for what was assumed to be a swift kiss, but turned into Peter's hands finding their way into Bucky's hair, and Peter crawling into his lap. Bucky's arms pulled Peter closer by his waist The pair stayed like that until Flash tapped on the passenger side window.

"Going out my ass!" Flash shouted before getting into his car, "You're not going to make it out of the driveway!"

"Bitch!" Peter yelled before converting his attention back to Bucky, "We should probably get going, huh?"

"I mean, we could just stay here. I could keep kissing you all day," Bucky whispered with a smirk as his thumb traced Peter's bottom lip. Peter felt Bucky's breath tickle at his lips. Peter could tell Bucky was waiting to see who would crack first, and seal them into another kiss, but he didn't care. He couldn't wait any longer. He closed the gap between them, and Bucky responded immediately. Peter had his fingers tangled into Bucky's hair in seconds, and Bucky's hands were caressing Peter's hips.

It wasn't long before someone honked their horn, and the two of them jumped apart. Both nearly getting ready to defend themselves, "You kids should do your PDA inside! There are children in this neighborhood!" Some woman yelled. Peter and Bucky both relaxed slightly.

Peter held his hand out the window flipping the woman off without looking at her, "I don't believe anyone is going to let us just sit here." Peter sighed in frustration, "And kiss." He traced a finger over Bucky's lip in a tantalizing manner. He sank back against the steering wheel causing the horn to go off. Peter essentially dived into the passenger seat. Just because he was an assassin, and could do just about anything, didn't mean he didn't startle himself sometimes. When he was around Bucky, his usual guard just went down, and he couldn't explain it. Bucky chuckled and Peter about had a heart attack.

"I think you made that lady piss her pants. She's no longer covering her children's eyes. Instead, she is hurrying them inside." Bucky chuckled as he looked over to the woman ushering her children inside, "We might as well go ahead," Bucky sighed as he started pulling out of the driveway.

"Yeah," Peter said as he leaned back. He only put on his seat belt because he didn't want to get Bucky a ticket. He really didn't have a great need for them considering he could sense any risks, and he heals quickly. Not to mention he had jumped out of a few plains... without a parachute

On the other side, Bucky only put on his seatbelt because he saw Peter put it on. He really didn't see the need for the strap, but he decided if he said something about it, Peter would bring up some recent study on why they were so important; just like Steve had done when Bucky used him as a means of transportation.

The ride was filled with a pleasant silence. Peter wished he could hold Bucky's hand as he drove, but he couldn't for obvious reasons. He didn't mind that Bucky had a prosthetic, but what did bother him was the way Bucky hid it. Peter could tell he hated the thing by the way he ignored it, and always kept it to the side. Peter may not know what it's like to lose a limb, but he did know what it was like to hate a part of yourself or all of yourself in Peter's case.

Bucky noticed that Peter was out of it, but decided he could wait to say anything until later. If it was something that was upsetting Peter, he wanted to avoid making it worse. He grabbed Peter's hand as he drove.


PETER AND BUCKY GOT A CUP OF COFFEE BEFORE WALKING AROUND THEIR SMALL TOWN WITH THEIR HANDS LINKED. It was obvious they were something. No one knew what just yet, not even them until Bucky did something Peter was not expecting.

"So, I was thinking... Since every time we meet up, we end up making out... Maybe... Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Bucky stumbled out.

"Are you kidding?" Peter chuckled, "Of course. I would love to be your boyfriend," Peter smiled before kissing him. Bucky placed his right hand in the small of Peter's back and pulled him closer while he held his coffee with his left hand. Peter had his hands around Bucky's neck but was careful about his cup of coffee.

They split apart not wanting to draw too much attention. They grabbed one another's hands and started walking through the town square.

"Baby?!" A girl yelled in English before jumping onto Peter and kissing him. Peter's eyes flew wide open and shoved the girl off, forcefully, "I-I thought you were dead! How are you in Russia right now!"

"Who the hell are you!" Peter said angrily in English.

"I know it's been 8 years, b-but... I thought you would remember..." the girl seemed as if she were about to cry. Wait a minute... Peter knew this girl from somewhere.

"Who the fuck is this?" Bucky asked accusingly in, Russian.

"I swear I have no fucking clue!" Peter said defensively, "I don't know who the fuck she is, or why she kissed me," Peter said before he looked back to her and tried to figure out where he knew her from.

"Th-Those men... they must have done something to your head..." There it was. This was the girl that was shoved off of the roof and the one that went to dinner with Steve and Tony before the bomb went off, "I-It's Mary Jane... You were the love of my life, Petey baby... H-How can y-you not remember..." Mary Jane had started to cry.

"Just leave me alone!" Peter yelled in English. He was terrified of the memories her presence would bring, "I don't know who you are! I don't want to! I'm happy! Just let me be happy!" Peter began walking off fast leaving Mary Jane as a crying mess and Bucky in a stupor. He wiped his tears before they could fall as he walked as fast as he could trying to get away before he had a panic attack.

It was times like this Peter really missed the Spider. Even if he couldn't take over, he could calm him down.

Woah, what's that? The Spider mentioned twice in Book One since when? Since now, my lovelies.


𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 & 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 | WinterSpider | [𝟏] ✔Where stories live. Discover now