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Vote plus comment ( I don't care if its nonsense but plz do comment ,tell me ur imaginations) equals update . That's the only way I could know if im still writing with sense.thanks



Mino how many times I told you ,we can't travel this week because look we have so many customers . Besides,I have to meet the investors of our ramen shop

But im going to school next week dad ,I had to buy things I need . . Answered mino ,obviously exasperated. . .

My son is practically arguing with me now because I promised to bring him to Manila this week before he goes to school but unfortunately ,they're so many investors who really had the guts to invest on me and I want to take the opportunity but here I am ,having a board meeting with my son, well it feels like a board meeting to me because of how witty he is .

Minoyahhhh , ur only two and were still not sure if they want to accept u . . .

How can they not dad , im ready to go to school and look ,im smart compared to the other kids here . ....

Yes ur right son ,but . . .
What if they doesn't accept u ?
Yes my son is indeed smart for his age . He is only two but he talks a lot ,think critically and most important ,he can argue well . . .others say ,he is a gifted one .

Well ,its a right of every children to have a basic education so I had to go the Secretary of education if they won't accept me

What ???? How did u know about the Secretary of Education?

Of course ,im updated dad ,uncle jo in zung had a phone and he let me watch news if I have nothing to do . .
So if the school doesn't want to accept me , I had no choice but to complain with the Secretary of education then if its not yet effective ,then I had to go to the president .

What ? Ur uncle in zung let keeps u updated about the news?

Yes dad . Whenever he travels to Manila ,he makes sure to download something that I could watch .. .

Im a little nervous of what i've heard. . What if . . Just what if . . .no one should know of mino's existence and mino should not in anyway be acquainted with Jiyong . . . But what if ,he heard about Gdragon . .

Appa . .appa. appah !!!!! Are u listening. .

I was startled with the sudden burst out of my son . .

Yes im listening son. . . Wow ,ur so sure about yourself huhhh.?? . . Well its the result of overconfidence of Jiyong and me . . .he doesn't know that even just a normal kid cannot go directly with the President for that

Im confident I could dad,as long as I could ride a bus or something to the palace of the President simple as that . . But anyway dont change the topic ,u promised me to bring me in Manila this week . . I had to buy bags and things for my school

Yes I promised that son but we have to delay it besides we can buy ur things in the nearest mall here. . .

But dad , a promise is a promise . . .answered my son . .

Mino yahhhh . . .

Ok dad . . . I have to go to uncle in zung now.

Why ? Im a bit confused on how my son reacts ,he's not the one who easily gives up on the things that he wants . also, he doesn't sound disappointed. .

Nothing dad . . . I have to go . .

Take care son . . .make sure to wear ur jacket ok . .

Areseo appa

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