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Aurora Romano's POV

I sigh softly as I rub my temples, leaning over the bathroom counter.

Today I found out I was almost nine weeks pregnant, which is crazy. I mean I'm going to become a mother! Something I'd wished for since I was a little girl.

I mean, I didn't even know if my husband wanted children. We haven't spoken about this subject yet, so I don't how he will react, which is why I am a little stressed out but nevertheless, I believe he will actually be happy just like I am. (I'm hoping)

I switch off my phone and throw my phone on the bed, after texting Eleanor and Liliana.

I decide to take a shower, because all I have been doing is crying and throwing up. Morning sickness sucked. I was also a little tired, so I decide to take a nap afterwards.

I was also scared because I know it probably isn't the right time to have children because of Valentino being the Sicilian Mafia leader and having to always go away for work purposes

We have been married for a little over a year now, we got married Italy, his home land, where we flew everyone out. It was amazing. It was a little ceremony with our closest friend and family, a few of Valentino's closest business partners too.

I walk into the our en-suite and turn on the shower. I strip out of my clothes and throw them into the dirty laundry basket.

I walk over to the mirror in the bathroom and analyse my body - mostly my tummy. It was so small, nothing to be seen as of yet. My guess is that I am at least 8 weeks pregnant as I've missed two periods. My eyes welled up with tears, once again.
It felt so surreal, I've always wanted to have my own baby and I already love my baby with all I have.

I hop into the shower and begin to wash my hair with my favourite vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner. I shave my whole body and scrub my body with my coconut scented body wash.

Wrapping a towel around my body, I walk into our closet and change into one of Valentino's dress shirts. I preferred wearing his dress shirts or T-shirt's when I went to sleep.

My head hits the pillow and...

Before I know it I am asleep.

"Piccola, wake up." I hear rough deep familiar voice shaking my arm a little. "Aurora, wake up baby," Valentino whispers softly.

"Hmm?..." I moan softly, "baby, you have been sleeping for ages." He murmurs softly, whilst his palms caress my cheek.

"What time is it?" I croak out. "8PM, you've been sleeping for a while." He murmurs, stroking my puffy, red cheeks

"Oh... have you had dinner? Should I make you something?" I ask. "No it's okay, I'll order some takeout for us, go freshen up, I will wait for you downstairs." He kisses my cheek softly, and then walks out our bedroom.

I lazily get out of the bed and head towards the washroom, to wash my face and brush my teeth. I grab the pregnancy test from the drawer and put it into my cardigan pocket.

After doing whatever I needed to do, I head downstairs, and walk into the kitchen to find Valentino yelling at someone on the phone. I roll my eyes and take a seat on the kitchen island.

I should tell him soon, now.

I sigh softly, and wait for him to finish with his phone call.

A few minutes pass by until finally he is done.
"Fuck." He mutters and throws this phone on the counter top. "What do you want to eat?" He says, leaning over the counter a little. His muscles flexing and mmmm- Shut up Aurora.

Okay. Here we go.

Fingers crossed it all goes well.

"I need to talk to you about something first." I bite my lip anxiously. He nods his head, "okay? Go on baby."

"Promise me you are not going to get mad?" He raises an eyebrow, "what? why?" I shake my head. "Just promise me. Please?"

"Okay, sí, I promise?" He says confused.

I bring his hand foreword and put the pregnant test in his hand, I bite my lip nervously, watching him try to figure out what is going on.

"You are... pregnant?"

I nod my head slowly. "Wait for real? This isn't a joke or anything?" I shake my head.

"It-it's real.." I bite my lips nervously. He goes silent for a few moments, he's staring down at the pregnancy test.

"Val?" He looks up at me with tears in his eyes, he drops the pregnancy test and hugs me tightly. "Val!" I giggle, he lowers his head down my my level and kisses me softly.

"Fuck. I love you so much baby."

I wipe his tears as well as mine and kiss his cheek. "I love you too."

"You've made me the happiest man alive," he murmurs, hugging me tightly once again.

"Do you need anything? A massage? What do you want to eat? I'll make you anything you want to eat. Are you tired? Do you want to sleep?" He rubs my hip soothingly. I giggle.

"I'm okay Val, can we order some pizza please?" He nods, "of course anything you want for you and our bambino."

"Does anyone know? Do your parents know?" I nod my head, "Mama knows but not papa or anyone else. When should we tell them?"

"Whenever you are ready bambolina." He says, kissing my forehead softly. "Okay." I smile softly and lean into his touch. "Do you know how far along you are?" I shake my head, no. "I think 8 weeks because I missed two periods so far." He nods happily and kisses my cheek.

"I will order the food now, you go and rest in the living room, you must be tired." I nod my head and get off the stool with the help of Valentino.

To be continued...

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