Welcome Back

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 1: Welcome Back

Waking up in a dark room was the last thing place he thought about. When he woke up it was dark and the only thing was the faint beeps of a heart monitor.

'So I'm in a hospital. How did I get here? ' Was Peter's first thought. He couldn't recall anything except for the fact that he was in the Soul Stone with half of the universe. Peter looked over when a light seemed to shine. It was his phone. He reached out to grab it. Peter flinched back at the brightness of the phone but was able to see what was on the phone through squinted eyes.

1 Unread Message
3 miss call

Peter figured it was early morning since it was so dark. But when he read the message he couldn't believe what he was reading. He ended up putting the phone down and started crying himself back to sleep.


After five long years, Thanos was finally defeated. However this was still a loss for the surviving avengers cause they lost two heroes, Natasha and Tony.

Somehow when Thanos snapped his fingers time seemed to slow down. Five years may have passed but people have only aged a year. So if you were 53 then you'd only be 54. Weird right? They figured this out because Pepper and Tony's first child, Morgan, is still a one year old instead of a five year old. A very smart one year old. She can already walk and say semi-full sentences.

Bringing half the universe back was... interesting. After they destroyed the soul stone anyone who was brought back was brought back alive but unconscious. Doctors had stated that they were comatose. Some eventually woke up earlier than others but after two weeks almost everyone was up. Everyone but one.

Carol Danvers, or better known as Captain Marvel, came by and visited all of the heroes who were snap victims. She was trying to lay low so she wouldn't drag unnecessary attention and be dragged into the accords. Which, to the hopes of our heros, would be put on hold and soon to be taken down.

Wakanda invited the Avengers to stay until those who died wakes up, but given the fact that most of Wakanda's population was in a coma, Steve said that they should focus on their people and that T'Challa and Shuri would want them too. So they brought T'Challa back to the tower along with Shuri.

Steve stayed with Bucky the entire time. And that was understandable. Steve just got Bucky back, to just lose him all over again. They were best friends and stayed together over 100 years. No one questioned it.

Rhodey usually stayed with Sam. They formed a bond all those five years ago in Wakanda. Both having each other's backs in the air during the battle. So no one really asked why.

Scott was with Hope, Janet, Hank, and Cassie. Everyone was wondering who three out of the four were but didn't press. They ended up making the connection, or assumption, that Scott and Hope were in a relationship by either hearing Scott whisper a 'I love you' to Hope or catching him kiss her forehead. The most heartbreaking thought was that Cassie died. A daughter died and the father had no idea.

Rocket, Thor, and Nebula were with the guardians. Thor usually beside Groot, while Rocket stood beside Groot and Quill, sometimes Drax and Mantis. Nebula kept her distanced but stayed in the room with them.

Shuri had woke up early and started helping Bruce with the still comatose people. She was found most often in her brother's room. If she wasn't tending to the others then she would be right beside her brother. She wanted to bring T'Challa back to Wakanda for better treatment but given the state of her home, she had no choice. Shuri never really gotten a good nights rest either, losing her home and being snapped out took it's toll on her.

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