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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 6: Forgive

Peter wasn't seen anywhere in the tower. However, Spider-Man was seen everywhere in the city. Ya see, after visiting his aunt, Peter went out as Spider-Man to help around. He helped move debris from roads, helped people get over to the other side of the debris, stopped crime with other vigilantes such as the Defenders. Then there were moments when he had to deal with DeadPool and that was irritating cause most times he didn't listen. But other than that things were great!

"Hey Spidey!"

Peter looked down from where he was perched, which on top of a lamppost, to see Sam waving like a maniac at him. Peter went upside-down and slowly lowered himself down so he was in eye level with him.

"Where have you been?" Sam continued, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, you know, here. There. Everywhere." Peter told him, smirking under his mask.

"No! I meant, why show up now?"

"I had important crap to do."

Sam was going say something else when there was a screen in the distance. Peter wasted no time to in swinging to the sudden distress call. Arriving at the scene, Peter could see a child with a gun pointed at her head. Peter also saw Captain America with Bucky Barnes trying to assess the situation. Then out of no where, Sam came in all his falcon glory. Unfortunately with his entrance, the guy who was holding the gun took a step back and pushed the gun into the kids head even more.

"Called reinforcement, pathetic. But advance anymore and I'll shoot!"

Peter looked at the crying kid then at the man. Eye's widened at what he saw. Brown eyes. Brown eyes. Brown hair. Brown hair. The kid's a splitting image of the man! Peter carefully swung so he was on the car behind the man. Surprisingly the man didn't see him but Sam, Bucky, and Steve eyed him. As the man backed up towards the car, he said.

"Now, you'll let me and my son go and no one will get hurt. Ya? Ya."

That's when Peter decided to make his presence known. He shot a web the man's head and pulled him back, causing the man's head to hit the car. Dazed, his grip on the kid loosened. Peter then shot a web at the gun, successfully getting the gun away from the so called father. The kid was able to slip away and into the safety behind the avengers.

"Spider-Man." The guy hissed, "That's my son. And he has to come with me whether he wants to or not. You can't do anything since I'm his guardian."

"Dude," Peter spoke in a deadpanned voice, "I'm pretty sure it's illegal to point a gun to someone's head. So technically I can do something. Also it's too late to run buddy."

The man looked down to see that his hand was webbed to the car and that his feet were also webbed down to the ground. Peter flipped off the car, over the man, and landed behind the avengers in his signature pose. The kid was with another man, who was comforting him. Peter walked up to the kid and the man.

"Thank you Spider-Man. Thank you for saving my nephew." The man thanked him.

"Of course. If I can help, I will."

Peter smiled sadly under his mask. Seeing the man and child interact reminded Peter of Ben. How Ben would comfort him when he was scared. When Ben would watch star wars movie with him. When Ben and May took him out to get ice cream.

"Take care squirt." Peter said to the kid, ruffling his hair.

He watched as they walked over to the police, who wanted to ask a few questions. Peter not wanting to get involved with the police, was about to swing off. He swung up and stood on top of a lamppost, that was until he heard his name being called.

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