The Visit

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 11: The Visit

Tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Peter was standing in front of the avengers with wide eyes and tense body, ready to bolt when necessary. Harley and Shuri stood behind Peter awkwardly, not really knowing what to expect. Steve was at the front of the group standing a few meters away from Peter.

"You're a kid?!" Sam yelled from behind Steve.

"I'm seventeen!" Peter whined.

"Yeah, so you're a kid? Spider-Man is a child!?" Rhodey exclaimed.

"Kid, we knew you were young, but a teenager?"

"Spider-Man being a teenager aside, you knew we were looking for you for answers. You could've have made things easier for everyone if you just came clean." Steve crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well-" Peter started But was cut off by Clint.

"Why didn't you come tell us anyway?"

"Well I had more important stuff to deal with than-"

"What could be more important than getting Natasha and Gamora back?" This time it was Sam who cut Peter off, "I'll tell you, nothing. Nothing is more important."

Peter's eyes hardened, "You don't know that. I had much more important stuff than try to find a way to bring back someone who is already dead!"

If the tension wasn't bad enough, the silence that followed Peter's remark was worse. That was until Clint decided to smart alec.

"Yeah, like your girlfriend problems are more important than bring back Nat and Gamora."

"What did you just say?" If Peter wasn't mad than he's fuming now, "I'll have you know that my aunt is way more important to me than you are."

"Nice going Barton." Bucky mumbled loud enough for Clint to hear him.

"Peter, you owe us some answers whether you like it or not." Steve said stepping forward.

Peter's demeanour changed almost instantly, he went from boiling anger to down right nervous. Harley and Shuri sensing his discomfort quickly defended him.

"He doesn't owe you anything." Harley said firmly.

"He has to answer our questions whether he likes it or not!" Steve countered.

"No!" Peter yelled out getting everyone's attention, "I don't need to answer to any of you! Anything with the soul stone comes last on my priorities, and you can't do anything to change that! I've already got other, more important, stuff to handle first and I don't need you guys breathing down my back for answers I'm not even sure of!"

"You said they would come back!? Why aren't they back yet!?" Sam yelled.

"I said there was a chance. I thought they would come back when you destroyed the stone!" Peter said annoyed.

"But they didn't come back!"

"I don't know! I. Don't. Know. Okay! I don't know!" Peter turned around to walk away.

"Hey! Where are you going? That doesn't answer anything!"

"Then deal with it. I'm going to waste my time on something that isn't my top priority."

Before anyone can stop him, Peter was already in the elevator and the door had shut.

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