Do You Trust Me?

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 7: Do You Trust Me?

If you asked Peter what he was going to do if he ran into the avengers as Spider-Man, then his answer would most likely be 'I would just swing away'. That was his plan. Not the greatest plan, but it was one. He asked May what he should do and she answered with 'I'm sure it will come to. It always does.' which, yeah, it does, but that didn't help.

There was so much going on at the moment that Peter couldn't catch a break. So Peter decided to go do his daily patrol, in an attempt to distract himself. He was hoping that an answer would come to him before he ran into the avengers. So far he has successfully avoided them. Unfortunately knowing his Parker Luck, he would eventually run into them. And if you asked Peter, he'd say that it happened way too soon. Peter was helping people escape from a burning building, when Black Panther, Shuri, and Hawkeye showed up.

"Hey Spidey! Could I ask you a question?" Hawkeye asked.

"You just did." Peter told him, he got an 'are you serious look', "Ask me later! Civilians come first!"

Peter was really hoping that there wouldn't be any big obstacles. But life didn't go that way, so of course when Peter was making sure there weren't anymore civilians, was when part of the ceiling decided to collapse.


Peter tried to stay calm. Since the vulture incident, Peter had been scared of falling building and small spaces. But now was not the time for a panic attack. Summoning all his strength, Peter was able to lift the fallen ceiling enough for him to get away safely. Peter walked out of the flames and smoke to face the crowed that started to cheer at the sight of Spider-Man okay and unharmed.

Peter let the fire-fighter take care of the rest as he made sure everyone was okay. After checking with the civilians, it was time for Spider-Man to take his leave. Well he was going to take his leave but of course he couldn't. Damn it Mystery, give Peter a break for crying out loud!

"Hey, could we talk?" T'Challa asked the spider.


"What you said in the soul stone." Shuri answered.

"I would love too, but unfortunately I'm running a bit late for something. Maybe we could reschedule. Yeah?" Peter shot a web and he swung up to hang on the side of a non-burning building. "Yeah. I like that idea. See ya!"



Ending patrol early was the last thing Peter wanted to do, but he was running out of web fluid and he was mentally and physically exhausted. Peter was on his couch, on his phone. May texted him, talking about what she had done and in turn Peter told her about his patrol. She asked if he was okay and he answered with 'don't worry'.


Looking up from his phone eh saw Shuri peeking in. Raising an eyebrow, Peter ushered Shuri to come in. He turned off his phone and gave the Princess his full attention.

"What can I do for you Princess?"

"Please, call me Shuri."

"Whatever you say... Princess." Peter smirked, remembering when she tried to get him to call her Shuri when they were inside the soul stone. Although she was talking with Spider-Man and not Peter. Same thing, but she doesn't know that.

This time it was Shuri who raised an eyebrow.

"Anyway," She continued, looking at Peter with suspicion. "I wanted to ask you about what you said yesterday."

"Did they send you?" Peter teased.

"What!? No! No. I-I was just curious." Shuri admitted. There was something else she wanted to say, and Peter saw that, but he also saw the loss and pain in her eye. "I-I..."

"Hey, you don't have to tell me anything. You're just curious."

"I just wanted to do something to help. I feel so useless right now. I want to help rebuild my home, but my brother thinks that it would be best if I stayed here. And yeah, he might be right, but I feel so... so..."

"So tired. You feel both emotionally and physically drained." Peter finished, "I get that. You just wanted to help and you thought that by coming to me you could get some answers for everyone."

Shuri looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, that."

"I-I don't know much. I just wanted to bring that up. To let you guys prepare for that option."

"You said something about knowing what it feels like to get hope ripped away from you. What did you mean by that?"

"I held on to so much hope, that when reality hit, it was like I lost a part of me. For the first time I lost something, someone, close to me."

Peter wasn't looking at Shuri, instead he was looking at the window. But his eyes had a distant look. Shuri averted her eyes down, thinking of what Peter said. Suddenly he stood up.

"It got better. I found something that wouldn't replace that missing piece, but it did fill the hole. Even if it wasn't perfect." Peter stopped at the entryway and looked over his shoulder to look at Shuri and make eye contact. "Don't worry about that Shuri, it will take time to find yourself again. I will promise that I'll try and find a way to bring them back, just trust me... Do you trust me?"

He didn't wait for a response as he left. Shuri watches as he turned the corner and disappeared. In her peripheral vision, was a hint of red and blue. Pulling it out from behind a pillow, Shuri realized that she was holding Spider-Man's outfit. She turned to where Peter disappeared too and smiled.

"Yes. I do trust you Spidey."


It probably wasn't even a good idea to step into the lab he and Tony worked in. But here we were, Peter has probably been standing at the closed door that would lead into the lab for about eight minutes. Sighing for the umpteenth Peter asked FRIDAY to open the door.

" Welcome back Peter." FRIDAY greeted Peter.

"Hey, FRIDAY."

Peter looked around the empty and quiet lab. It was too quiet. Too empty. Too dark. It was too clean. Memories of Peter hanging out in here with Tony. Laughing, experimenting, making a mess, dancing to music. A small soft sad smile appeared on Peter's face.

"Hey Mr. Stark. I'm back." Peter let out a sigh. "Things aren't the same anymore. Everything seems to fall apart. I wish you were here. You always knew what to do."

Peter started to work around the lab to create more web fluid. It was late at night, so Peter wasn't afraid of someone walking in on him. But this place felt so empty. He remembered the late nights he and Mr. Stark use to spend here because they lost track of time. He remembered the first time Mr. Stark took him here. He remembered the good times, the bad times (like when Pepper would come in and yell at them for staying up too late or skipping a meal). Peter let out a watery laugh.

"Thank you for everything Mr. Stark. I promise to protect Morgan. I promise to help Pepper. I promise I'll be the person you always knew I could be. I don't think I could be you. I don't think I could be better than you either. I just... I miss you." Peter said into the empty room as he prepared to leave. "Thanks again... Tony."


Just a heads up, the next few chapters will be short. Nothing much is needed to be said. Soooo... Yeah!

Anyway Byeee!

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