Dream or Not

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 4: Dream or Not

After seeing the inside of the soul stone glow a bright orange, Natasha had a feeling of what was happening. Her assumptions were proven true when people slowly started to fade away. It started with Bucky followed by T'Challa and Shuri. Sam started to fade then Wanda. Groot, Drax, Mantis, Quill all started to disappear. Hope, Janet, and Hank left at the same time. Cassie, Lila, Nate, an Cooper followed. Laura, after panicking that her children disappearing, started to fade too. Hill started to disappear, followed by Goose, and before Fury left, he nodded to Natasha. Strange looked at Spider-Man before fading himself.

Natasha looked at Spider-Man expecting him to vanish as well, but he didn't. He just stood there, his hands were clasped behind his back. His back facing them. Gamora walked forward and stood by his side. Before she could ask him why he was still here, he spoke up.

"Everyone's finally gone home."

"So why haven't you?" Gamora looked at him. Natasha made her way and stood on the other side of the Spider.

"I will." He raised his hands to show them that he was slowly fading. "Like when I dusted, it won't be instant like the others."

"Will we really come back?" Gamora turned her head to look at him.

"I won't give you false hope. But there is a chance that you guys will." Spider-Man said, emphasizing chance. "Well I guess this is goodbye for now."

Natasha and Gamora watched as Spider-Man fully disappeared and they were left alone. They didn't go wandering. Both stayed near the pavilion. Sometimes they talked and shared stories, other times they just sat in comfortable silence. That's what they were doing right now. However, that silence didn't last long for the two.

"Agent Romanoff. You miss me?"

Natasha looked up only for a small smile to appear on her face. In front of her stood the one and only Tony Stark. Natasha stood up from her spot and walked up to Tony. He wasn't in his Iron Man armour, but he was in his usual blue jacket and sweatpants. Natasha stopped right in front of Tony.

"We won. We won Nat."

That's when Natasha decided to pull him in a hug. Tony didn't hesitate to hug her back. They pulled away and Natasha faced Gamora.

"You snapped?"

"If you mean snapped Thanos and his minions out of existence. Then yes. Where are we?"

That's when Natasha and Gamora started to inform Tony on what happened inside the soul stone. Natasha then asked what happened after they all got the stones. Tony explained that Thanos from 2014 manage to come to their year. He explained that he destroyed the compound and somehow manage to take the battle into New York. Tony was finally done explaining, ending it with the story of him snapping Thanos out and his death.

"So this is what the inside of an infinity stone looks like." Tony stated, "I honestly was expecting more."

"Mr. Stark?" A small voice interrupted them. The trio turned around to see a brown haired, doe eyed teenage boy standing there behind them.

"Peter." Tony didn't waste a second to walk up to the boy and embrace him. Natasha recognized the kid as the kid in the picture Tony had in his house. What she also just realized was that he was wearing a Spider-Man suit. The spandex one, not the iron spider suit, she noted.

"So you're Spider-Man." Nat said. It was more of a statement than a question. She saw both Peter and Tony tense up. They pulled apart.

"Umm... ya. I guess I am." Peter said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You are young." Gamora stated. "Not much younger than Groot perhaps."

"Also didn't you just leave?" Natasha pointed out, "How are you back here?"

"Wait. If all that snapped people came here. Does that mean Thanos and his clan are here?! Also wouldn't they have been released when we broke the stone?"

"Thanos and his... people? are here, I can sense them. Then again I don't think they'll travel this far into the stone. So you shouldn't have a problem with them. Why they didn't return? Well. the soul stone is weird in that way." Peter tried to explain the best he could.

"So, How are you back?" Natasha repeated.

"I dunno. I just remember going to sleep then waking up here. Maybe this has to do with my connection with the soul stone."

"Wait, connection?" Tony asked, quirking up an eyebrow.

"Ya, like when I woke up here I was able to sense where every single person was. It was weird but also really cool! I helped a lot of people... and aliens. Anyway I also found out that I can bend the soul stone to my will! Like when I was trying to get one person to another, I got them together in less that give minutes! Even though they were miles apart!" Peter rambled on. His eyes widened that he went off topic and rubbed the back of his neck, "oops. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry kid."

Gamora then remembered something. She cleared her throat and when she got their attention she spoke.

"How is he here?" She pointing at Tony, "When Thanos first snapped, he didn't stay here."

"Wel-" Tony was cut off by Peter.

"Probably because he died using the stones." He stared at the ground, his eyes were clouded, like he wasn't present. "Or the soul stone just needed him here."

"What do you mean?"

Peter shrugged his shoulders, "I... I don't know. Honestly, there's a lot I don't know about the soul stone."

"I don't think we'll be able to leave this place." Natasha voiced her thoughts. "I mean, the soul stone's broken. There's nothing you can do."

"Have the others asked about this yet?" Gamora questioned.

"No, they don't even know I'm Spider-Man. Spidey has yet to make an appearance since we came back."

"Then I think Spidey needs to make an appearance soon." Tony joked.

"Ya, I guess so." Peter sighed looking the quiet orange realm.

Peter's spider senses started to buzz. Lifting up his hands into his line of sight, Peter saw that he was slowly fading... again. Tony noticed this, but he didn't worry. Part of him wanted too, but the other part knew he was going to be safe and that he was just returning back to the real world.

"Maybe we'll see each other again." Tony told Peter.

Peter looked up to meet the eyes of his mentor. Without thinking, Peter wrapped his arms around his mentor, his father figure. Tony didn't hesitate to wrap Peter in another hug. Tony pulled away so he could meet Peter's eyes.

"Take care Pete." Peter's eye's widened when he realized that he would be waking up soon. A little too soon.

"Wait!" He yelled out, sitting up, panting. Peter looked around, seeing the familiar room that his couch resides in. It was all a dream, or was it?


This was meant to be a short chapter. Sorry for that. Next one will be longer though! Promise! Also if you guys have any questions/theories about the soul stone, or questions that I didn't answer in this chapter, then feel free to ask/say. If you do I will be happy to answer them in a chapter.

Anyway Byeee!

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