Second Chance

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 14: Second Chance

Peter doesn't know why, but he keeps finding himself with the sorcerer supreme. Strange seemed to be the only one who knew about the infinity stones and was a wielder himself. Not only that, but the terrible voice seems to leave him alone every time he was with Strange.

"Alright," Strange spoke up, "What did you do?"

Peter stopped swinging and looked at Strange, he landed on top of a car.

"What do you mean?"

"Usually you would have been talking my ear off, but you haven't said a word since you joined me. So I want to know what you did."

Peter mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" Strange gave Peter a deadpanned look.

"I fixed the soul stone..."

"You did what!?" Strange yelled, "How!?"

"I don't know! I just went up to it and it started glowing and pieces put themselves together and now it's in four different pieces!"

"So you didn't completely fix it."

"No, but I think this is what my connection has been telling me. To fix the stone completely."

"Peter, the soul stone is the weirdest stone out of the six infinity stones. I'm afraid that if you repair the stone and take up it's offer to be it's wielder, bad things will happen."

"Like I could lose anything else." Peter mumbled.

"You could lose your life. Peter, be careful. The soul stone always has a price. The price could be your life."

"I promised I would try. If it means losing my life for two others then... then so be it."

Peter didn't wait for Strange to reply. He shot a web and swung off. Strange just watched as Peter's frame got smaller as he swung farther away. He sighed knowing that Peter would keep that promise. He just hoped that Peter would be ready to make that trade.


"Parker's back." Clint said, walking into the penthouse. Everyone was hanging there and Clint just got back from helping clean.

"How do you know?" Rhodey asked holding his cup of coffee.

"I saw him swinging through the city."

"Did he see you?" This time it was Sam who asked.

"I think he did. I mean, he looked in my general direction."

Suddenly, Bruce came rushing in, panting. Everyone stood up or turned to Bruce, alarmed.

"Bruce? What happened?" Steve furrowed his eyebrows as he scanned Bruce for any injuries.

"Soul... in... four pieces." Bruce panted out.


"The soul stone is fixed into four pieces." Bruce finally got out.

"How? Are you sure?" Scott questioned.

"Yes, I'm sure."

While the others were discussing about how the stone was repaired, they failed to notice Spidey swing by and over the tower. Everyone except Wanda, who slowly made her way out of the room. When she successfully made it into the elevator with no one noticing she asked Friday to take her to the roof. When she arrived, she saw Peter in his Spider-Man outfit with his mask in his hands. He was siting crises crossed, close to the edge. She silently walked over.

"Hey Wanda." She was startled when he greeted her. His back facing her, not even turning when he spoke.

"Umm... Hey. What brings you to the tower? I thought you were avoiding us." Wanda sat down beside him.

"The tower has the best view of the city. It's calming."

Wanda looked at Peter and got a good look at the kid. He had dark bags under his eyes and his hair was all messy. Peter also looked like he hadn't had a proper meal in a while. Wanda saw the distant and tired look in his eyes.

"Were you the one who fixed the stone?"

"Yeah... came by last night. I don't even know how or why." Peter said.

"When was the last time you actually slept?" Wanda asked.

"I've been sleeping okay. I guess fixing the stone took a lot more out of me."

Wanda looked on with concern, "So why are you out patrolling. The population that was dusted are back, most already recovered. You can take a break too."

"But I can't. Not with the state the city is in."

"You can't save anyone, if you're sleep deprived Peter. If anything, wouldn't you be putting the people and yourself in more danger?"

"Even if I wasn't out, I wouldn't be able to sleep."

The two fell into silence. Wanda looked to the view of the city and true to Peter's word, it was indeed calming. Sure she had the view from her room, but nothing like the one on the roof. Wanda sighed and decided to address what was on everyone's minds.

"I know it might not seem like it, but we do care." Wanda decided to say.

"It Just doesn't feel like it..."

"Steve can be a jerk sometimes, but I promise you he means well." Wanda looked at Peter and saw that Peter was fighting to stay awake, "Let's go back inside. Get you to your couch to sleep."

"What? No! No. It's fine. I'll just swing home." Peter was about to put his mask on but Wanda stopped him.

"Like I'm gonna let you swing in this condition. Come on Peter. Give us another chance. Please?"

Peter looked Wanda in the eye. He sighed, he knew he couldn't say no to someone who was worried about him, plus he was too tired to even argue back. Instead he nodded and let Wanda lead him in for he elevator. Peter didn't process anything but the next thing he knew was being laid down on a familiar couch. And for the first time in forever, Peter let sleep take over with no complaints.


I honestly don't know what happened with this chapter. I don't have anything to say for this chapter so I hope you enjoyed this.

Anyway Byeee!

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