Forever and Always

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 12: Forever and Always

It's been a week since the avengers found out about Spider-Man and Peter being one. It's been one week since Peter ran out. One week since the avengers have heard about Peter or Spider-Man. One week since he went off the grid.

The avengers would be lying if they said that Spider-Man's disappearance didn't bother them. The topic came up more than once in a day. At first they weren't so worried about Peter running out, mostly because they thought they would see him out as his alter ego. However when Spider-Man disappeared, this raised some red flags.

"Still nothing?" Steve asked when he walked into the penthouse. Sam, Clint and Scott were already there.

"No." Sam sighed, "Even Shuri can't track him."

"I know Pepper said not to worry, but he wouldn't leave the city unattended. Right?" Clint stated.

"I don't know."

"I hope he shows up soon. Or at least show up to the kids. They've been down ever since he left." Scott said.

"If only Tony was here. He probably would be able to find him." Steve sighed.

Suddenly Scott shot up, "Strange!"

"What?" Sam gave Scott the 'are you kidding me' face.

"Strange! Sorcerer Supreme! If anything, he could help us!" Scott explained.

"I don't think he'll help us. Good idea though Scott." Steve said.

Thor suddenly walks in from the elevator.

"Have you found the whereabouts of the Spiderling?" He asked.


"Perhaps, Strange would know. He helped me and my... brother to find our father."

"Are you sure Thor?" Steve asked.

"Well of course! The wizard will have answers! He also has unlimited bear, no harm in asking."

"Well then, what are we waiting for!" Clint got up and headed straight for the elevator. Followed by Sam and Thor. Steve turned to Scott.

"You coming Scott? It was your idea."

"What? Oh. No, I promised Cassie I would spend time with her."

"Alright then."


Sam, Clint, Steve, and Thor had made their way to the Sanctum Sanctorum. That's where they found Strange and Wong. They were still repairing the damage done but it was almost as good as new. The avengers gave back the time stone to Strange who wore it in a new eye of agamotto. Steve explained everything to Strange, ending with Peter running off and finding out his identity.

"Have you seen him?" Steve finished explaining.

"I don't think you'll be seeing him anytime soon. Peter has come by a few days ago, already telling me everything. So if your worried that he was abducted then I wouldn't worry." Strange informed them.

"When was the last to you spoke with him?" Sam asked.

"I just told you, a few days ago."

"And you're not worried that he suddenly disappeared." Clint questioned.


"Do you know where he is?" Thor said as his beer mug refilled itself.


"Then why aren't you worried that he could have been abducted?" Steve looked at Strange.

Strange sighed, "I'm not worried because if you didn't realize that he has other vigilante friends, who he once in awhile will team up with. Most common one is known as Team Red. If they come for you to help because he disappeared then you should worry."

"But-" Clint was cut off by Strange.

"Are you worried because you want answers or are you worried because you genuinely care?"

"What?" Sam looked taken back by the question. They all did.

"Do you care about Spider-Man? Or are you just worried because he has your answers."

"Well..." Steve looked to the others, "We haven't thought of that."

"Well maybe you should."

Suddenly Strange summoned a portal to opened underneath them. They fell through, landing back in an empty penthouse. They looked up as the portal closed above them. Each of them sighed collectively. They have a lot to think about.


Peter thought about going back to his and May's apartment. However, he decided against it. He honestly didn't mean to be gone for a week, but he had gotten news about May. Bad news. She had gotten worse. Way worse. The doctors had told her that it would take a miracle for her to fully recover. She's still in stage 3, but she's moving on to stage 4.

"Peter." May began as Peter shuffled the deck of cards, "You need to spend some time away from the hospital."

"May, we've already talked about this. I'm not leaving you." Peter said stubbornly.

Peter continued to shuffle the cards. May sighed and gently stopped him by placing a hand on his. Peter looked up at May.

"Peter, being in this place for many hours only leaving to sleep, isn't healthy. You have other responsibilities to attend to."

"I know. But what if something happens to you. What if you fall even more ill and I'm not here." Peter gasps and tears start to form, "What if you-!"

"I'm not going anywhere." May lifts Peter's chin up so she can see his eyes, "Not without you here."

Peter let's out a sob and hugs May tightly.

"I can't lose you too May." Peter says as he cries on May's shoulder.

May didn't say anything but held Peter closer.

"I know bud, but you will never lose me." May told him gently, she pulled away from to hug and placed a kiss on his forehead, "I love you Peter."

"I love you too."

"Forever and always." Both Peter and May say at the same time.


In a room, dark and alone, there was an orange glow. 18 pieces started to illuminate the room with an orange light. Slowly each piece connected with a different piece. Now there are 9 broken pieces. The light faded, leaving the room dark once more.

"A life for a life, that is our price. Soul Wielder what will you choose?." A voice echoed.


Yay! I finished a chapter! Although a lot slower than wanted. Hope you guys like this one!

Anyway Byeee!

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