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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 17: Repair

Rocket, for all his life, couldn't understand the spider-kid. He was strange and mysterious and... different. The kid gave off a calming yet dangerous aura to Rocket. Like he had been through hell and back multiple times but yet still somehow kept his innocence. Rocket couldn't wrap his head around it, but every time he tried to understand, something new comes into the equation. So when he offered to give Rocket a tour of New York, Rocket took the chance to finally understand the kid.

It took awhile to convince Quill that New York has seen weirder stuff than a talking raccoon, (Rocket was very offend when he was called that). When Quill reluctantly agreed, Rocket and Peter made a plan of when and where they were going to go. However, Peter had different ideas. Right now, Peter was showing Rocket around Queens.

"Come this way." Peter turned the corner and walked towards what looked like an abandoned shop, although the flashing open sign said otherwise. Rocket slowly followed Peter into the shop. Rocket looked around the small shop. There were spare parts everywhere, and there was a window that looked out to a garage. Inside the garage were two cars in need of repairs.

"Ah, Peter!" Rocket looked towards the voice to see a middle aged man walked out of back and towards Peter, "Good to see you again. How are ya? Who's the furry?"

Rocket was going to say something but Peter went and stood in front of him. Rocket looked at Peter with curiosity.

"I'm doing good." Peter smiled, then turned to Rocket, "Rocket this is Mr. Farley. Mr. Farley this is my friend Rocket."

"Why hello there Rocket." Mr. Farley reaches out to shake Rocket's hand, he then turned to Peter. "What bring's the two of you here?"

"I heard that you needed help with some repairs and Rocket here is pretty handy, so I thought we would stop by and help."

Mr. Farley smiled, "I would appreciate the help and the company. We have a lot to talk about. It has been five years."

Mr. Farley walked through the curtain that lead to the back. Peter was about to follow but stopped when he saw that Rocket was just standing there. Peter sighed and waved Rocket over. Peter lead him into the back room and over to a work table that was littered with spare parts and unfinished machinery.

"You don't mind helping with some of the repairs, right Rocket?" Peter looked at Rocket. He looked at Peter, ready to protest and ask if this was his plan to get him to help with cleaning. However when he looked at Peter and saw that the kid had a genuine curiosity look on his face along with the innocence in his eyes, Rocket knew he couldn't say no. So instead he just nodded.

Mr. Farley has put on some music as they started doing small repairs. Rocket found that even though Terran stuff were interesting it wasn't as advanced as what he and his crew had in space. Rocket had snuck a few glances at Peter, to see if this was a trick, but every time he looked, Peter just had a content smile on his face as he repaired and hopped his head to the music.

A few hours later, Peter got a message from Pepper asking where he was and if he was joining them for dinner. That's when the two decided that it was time to head back to the tower.

"Thanks again for the help Peter. You weren't bad yourself, Rocket. You know, I could use the help again sometime, you both are free to come back anytime." Mr. Farley thanked the two and said goodbye as the pair walked out of the shop.

Both Peter and Rocket walked in silence. Rocket wanted to ask if this was his plan all along. Although, before Rocket could ask, Peter beat him to it.

"What did you think?"

"What do you mean?" Rocket looked up at Peter.

"What did you think about helping out by doing small repairs?" Peter kept walking, not looking down to look at Rocket.

Rocket looked down and thought about it. He did enjoy doing something so small as repairing a car engine but it made such a positive impact. The fact that his ideas were accepted and what he did mattered, made him feel welcomed and wanted. It was also a nice distraction from all the problems that followed him on a daily basis. It was... fun.

"Would you go back?" Peter added.

"What are you getting at?" Rocket asked a bit suspicious.

"You heard Mr. Farley, we could come back anytime. If you want before I go out on patrol, we can hang out there." Peter offered, "Of course only if you want to."

Before Rocket could answer, he realized that they were already at the tower. The pair entered the private elevator and made their way up to the common room.

"You don't have to answer now. Just let me know if you ever want to go back." Peter smiled before stepping out of the elevator and entering the common room. Rocket stood there for a minute before chuckling and followed Peter.

'I might not have him figured out but he is a good kid. I just hope he'll be ready to make the right choice.'


In the dark room, an orange light glowed brightly. Four pieces ready to be repaired. Four souls ready to be brought back. Four pieces, One stone. Four souls, One Wielder. Everything lined up, just missing one last thing.



Thank You black0spiderx for the cover!

Anyway Byeee!

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