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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 10: Caught

Peter couldn't get rid of the dream he had about the soul stone. He needed someone to rant to. So Peter found himself rambling to Strange. He found Strange helping clean up some debris near the Sanctuary while he was swing around the city as Spider-Man. So he decided to help out but also to vent. Because who's better to vent to about an infinity stone than someone who was also a stone wielder.

"So at the end of my dream the stone asked if I would be it's wielder. I think this would explain my connection with the soul stone." Peter ended as he landed on top of a car.

Strange who didn't seem to be paying attention suddenly turned to Peter with a raised eyebrow.


"I mean it would explain why I've been having dreams about being back in the soul stone. But like-"

"Do you even know what it means to be infinity stone wielder?" Strange cut Peter off.


"It's dangerous. It's not something you can fool around with. Being a wielder comes with great power."

"And with great power, comes great responsibility." Peter sighed, "I know."

"I don't know much about the soul stone, but if me being the time stone's wielder brought me to space and almost killed me, then being the soul stone's wielder must be more dangerous." Strange tone became more serious.

"What is this about the soul stone?" A new voice entered. The two turned to find Sam landing. Steve right behind him on a motorcycle.

"Nothing!" Peter yelled way to quickly.

"Right." Sam crossed his arms over his chest.

"Have you found anything to fix the soul stone?" Steve asked Strange.

"No. Like I said, you need something more than the time stone."

"But I don't get it. Thanos used the time stone to repair the mind stone. Why can't we do the same with the soul stone!?" Sam yelled.

"Thanos 'repaired' Vision who was the mind stone's wielder. Reversing time to bring back Vision brought back the mind stone." Strange explained.

"So we need a stone wielder to fix the soul stone? Aren't you a stone wielder?" Steve pointed out.

"No, every stone has a different wielder. I may be the time wielder but someone else is the soul." Strange created a portal and stepped through, "Now if you excuse me, I have somewhere to be." Right before he closed the portal he turned to Spider-Man. "Don't do anything stupid."

The three remaining heroes watched as Strange closed the portal behind him. Steve and Sam turned to Peter who was still on top of the car.

"So Spider-Man, what do you know about the soul stone?" Sam stepped forward.

"Oh! Why don't you look at the time. I gotta swing. Bye!" Before the two could stop him, Peter shot a web and swung away. Sam went to fly after him but Steve grabbed his arm to stop him from going after the web-head.


"What? Why not?"

"This guy knows his way around the city like the back of his hand. There's no way we'll be able to keep up."

Sighing, Sam reluctantly agreed. Steve got back on his motorcycle and told Sam he would meet him back in the tower.


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