I'll Make It An Option

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 19 I'll Make It An Option

Steve opened a case that held the four pieces of the soul stone. Currently, every hero has gathered in the penthouse, surrounding Peter and Steve who stood at the centre of the sorta circle the heroes had formed. Peter looked at the four pieces inside the case.

"So you gonna fix it?" Same asked with his arms crossed.

"I... I don't know if I can. At least I don't know right now." Peter answered still staring at the broken stone.

"So then why did you say it this changes everything?" Clint questioned.

"Because to get Natasha, Gamora, Tony, and someone else back, the stone needs to be repaired."

"So why not repair it now?" Rhodey raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know what would happen if I repaired it now."

"Wait, you said someone else? Who's the fourth guy?" Quill leaned in.

"I'm not too sure." When he received a lot of questioning looks, Peter elaborated. "The soul stone basically gave me some sort of riddle. 'Two souls misplaced. Their return for my base. One soul returned as a wish and another soul that needs to be replaced. A life for a life, that is our price'."

"In the soul stone you said Natasha and Gamora could return cause Natasha wasn't supposed to be there." Bucky recalled. Peter nodded.

"Which means Nat and Gamora would be the misplaced souls. We repair the stone and they come back." Wanda said.

"The one returned as a wish, is that Tony?" Steve looked at Peter, expecting a nod, but instead Peter shook his head.

"Tony sacrificed himself for the universe. If anything, the stone would want a sacrifice for the sacrifice." Peter corrected.

"So then who's the wish?" Bruce asked.

Everyone looked at Peter, but Peter was looking directly at Thor.

"Thor, you said if you could wish for anything, it would be for Loki to come back, right?" All the eyes turned to Thor.

"Why yes I did Young Peter. But why do you ask me this question again?" Thor scrunched up his eyebrows.

"Because Loki's the wish and the fourth soul." Harley answered, being the first to put the pieces together. Peter nodded, confirming Harley's thought.

"Why would the stone want to return Loki?"

"The stone work in a weird way. We may never know why the stones want to revive Loki, but if it sees him worthy, I trust it... and him." Peter added the last part and motions to Thor.

The heroes fell into silence. Although one question still remains.

"The stone's riddle said to bring Tony back we needed to exchange someone else." Shuri said, not asking the obvious question.


"I'll do it." Steve declared. Everyone looked at him.


"Steve, you can't be serious!" Sam yelled.

"Tony gave his life, even when he still had people to live for. My life is long in the past." Steve reasoned.

"So is mine." Bucky spoke up, "If your volunteering, then so will I."

"The stone won't just take anyone this time." Peter cut in.

"What do you mean?" Wanda asked.

"In order to get the stone from vormir. You needed a sacrifice. Someone you loved. Now we're trying to bring back someone who sacrificed themselves for the universe."

"You're saying?" Clint pushed. Images of the dream Peter had appeared in his mind. The last puzzle piece falling into place and Peter didn't like the picture.

"I believe the stone already picked who it wants as it's sacrifice."


Peter landed swiftly and quietly on the old roof of his and May's apartment. Already there was a familiar wolf hybrid.

"You had news?" Peter asked.

"I know about May and her current condition." Abby started, "And I found a way I can nurse her back to health."

"You have!?" Peter exclaimed but then suddenly his excitement deflated. "But wait, she would still be sacrificed."

Abby shook her head, "The soul stone is giving you a choice Peter. Tony or May."


"But if you end up choosing May, it will affect whether or not you can bring back the other three."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means they might not be able to come back at all."

It was silent between the two. Peter was taking in what Abby had told him. Then an idea hit him.

"What if someone else becomes the sacrifice?" Peter asked looking straight into Abby's eyes.

"You know the soul stone made it's choice."

"But what if I find a more worthy sacrifice?" Peter almost yelled out. A plan slowly forming inside his brain.

"I don't think that will work Peter." Abby said, reading his mind. "You can try. However, I don't think the stone will let you be the sacrifice."

"The price can be my life. I'll make it an option."


Now this is where I ask you the reader, if you were in Peter's shoes, what would you do? Save May or the heroes?

Anyway byeee!

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