Pieces of a Stone

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 13: Pieces of a Stone

Peter woke up in a sweat. He looked around and found that he was on the roof of his and May's apartment building. He closed his eyes and tried calm his breathing. His dream replayed in his mind. It was the soul stone again, asking him to choose. Peter slowly opened his eyes and looked at the star filled sky.

'Something happened with the stone.' Peter told himself. He could just feel it. It's energy just got stronger. 'But if I go and check on it, I might get caught by the Avengers.' Peter tried to get the thought of seeing the stone out of his mind, but it just wouldn't leave. Something in Peter wanted to see it.

Sighing in defeat, Peter tapped on his bracelet, causing his iron-spider suit to form around him. Peter jumped off the building and swung to the tower. Sneaking in wasn't hard, he knew Karen could get Friday to shut off the alarms to let him in. Peter landed on a building nearest to the tower.

"Karen, ask Friday to turn off alarms so I could get in."

"Okay Peter." After a moment Karen spoke up, "All alarms are down. The window to your couch is open."

"Thanks Karen."

Peter gently swung over and flipped through the window landing in his infamous pose. Peter jumped up on to the ceiling and crawled his way into a vent. Peter quietly made his way through the tower. He was heading towards the safe where he knew the stone were placed in. However he picked up voices nearby. Curiosity getting the best of him, he made detour and crawled towards the voices.

"-elp but worry." He heard Quill say. Peter peered through the vent and saw that in the room was Quill, Steve, Clint and Thor. On the other side of the room where the kitchen was, was T'Challa and Sam standing, listening in.

"Quill?" Sam started. Quill made a noise of acknowledgement, "Do you genuinely care for the kid?"

Quill looked at Sam, confused. He then looked up, thinking, "Well yeah. Before, I just saw him as a kid. That's it. A kid. Someone who shouldn't have the worlds fate resting on his shoulders. I guess he grew on me. I partly blame Groot."

"When did you realize that you started to actually care for him?" Steve looked to Quill.

"I don't know. I think, I always did. I guess it just hadn't hit me until I had that one on one with him." Quill shrugged.

"I've only met the young boy once, and Shuri has spoken about him on many occasions. That's enough for me to say that I am genuinely worried about him." T'Challa spoke up.

"Have you given it any thought?" Clint turned to the king.

"No," T'Challa answered, "I just knew. He's the first one that can keep up with Shuri's mind and is the same age as her. She talked fondly of Peter, it's been awhile since I've heard her this excited. As her older brother, that seems enough of a reason to look out for him."

"I think you guys are just overthinking things." Quill told them, "As much as I want Gamora back, the kid doesn't owe me anything. I guess I accepted the fact that Gamora will stay gone. I guess when I figured that out, I let me guard down around him."

Silence followed Quill's statement. Peter took this chance to crawl away. He continued to make his way to the safe. When he arrived, he gently opened the vent and dropped in. Standing up Peter let his eyes adjust to the dim room. Taking a look around Peter's eyes landed on the soul stone, beside the four other stones.

It was in 8 broken pieces, laying on a pillow that sat on a table. Peter tilted his head to the side, staring at it. Something about it was weird. Like, it was alive. Something, or someone, is pulling him towards the stone. Peter let his feet guide him closer to the stone and extending his hand forward. Suddenly two pieces started to glow and float up. Gasping, Peter dropped his hand causing the two pieces to drop as well, the light fading.

'What?' Peter looked quizzically at the stone. He gazed at his hand before looking at the broken stone, then back at his hands again. Bitting his lower lip, he reached out his hand again. The same two pieces levitated up. The room illuminated with a bright orange glow. Peter shut his eyes and turned away. When the light faded, he slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him was the two pieces had connected. It had an orange aura around it as it floated above Peter's open hand. Peter's eyes flicked to the other shards before looking at the piece floating above his hand.

'How? Why is there only one piece fixed?'

Suddenly, another piece floated up. Peter watched as it levitated. He reached his other hand out to it, making it move closer. He brought it close to the other piece and watched as it connected perfectly. As if being filled with determination, Peter extended his hand out once more. Three pieces floated over, glowing orange before merging together.

Peter looked at the three remaining pieces. He had the two 'fixed' pieces float above the pillow, then commanding the two smaller pieces to come to him. Obeying his commands, the two pieces hovered in front of him. Taking a breathe, Peter concentrated in fixing the pieces. When they finally came together, Peter looked at the pieces he put together.

'Wow.' He thought. Now there were four large pieces.

Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion hit Peter. The four pieces of the stone lost it's light and fell from the air. Three of which landed back on the pillow but the last one was headed straight to the floor. Reacting quickly, Peter dropped down and caught it right before it hit the ground. Peter sighed in relief as he placed the piece back on the pillow.

'What happened?' Still feeling the exhaustion, Peter placed his hands on the table to steady himself. He looked up slightly and stared at the stone. The feeling was gone. The life he felt from the stone was gone. Sensing he couldn't do anything else, he decided to leave. However, right before jumping back into the vent, Peter took one last look at the stone. And maybe, just maybe, if he listened closely, he could have heard a faint voice.

"Two souls misplaced. Their return for my base. One soul returned as a wish and another soul that needs to be replace."


I know this one is shorter but I've got two gifts for you guys so just wait and see. I'm sure you guys will enjoy both. Anyway I hope you guys are having a wonderful winter break, cause mine just started! Yaaa!

Anyway Byeee!

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