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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 8: Blocked

Peter had spent the entire day with May. Peter decided that since he was didn't go out as Spider-Man, he might as well do a short patrol. So when he got to the tower, he wasn't expecting anyone to be awake. So you can expect that Peter was startled when someone greeted him as he entered the lab.

"How did you get in here?"

Peter whipped his head towards the voice. Standing a few meters away from him, with his arms crossed was a teenage boy. He had golden brown hair and blue eyes. He looked like he was Shuri's age, 17, a year older than Peter. He looked familiar, but Peter couldn't place his finger on who he was.

"D-do I know you?" Peter asked.

"I'm Harley. Harley Keener." Harley introduces himself, putting his hands in his jean pockets. That's when it clicked. Tony use to tell Peter about a kid that helped him once. Harley, Peter remembered Tony saying his name.

"Peter Parker." Peter introduced himself. "But you probably already knew that. So how did you get in here?"

"I knew Stark. So how did you get in here?"

"Oh. Well, you see... I-I'm- I was Mr Stark's personal assistant."

An awkward silence formed and Peter looked at the ground, wishing it would swallow him up.

"So... uh... why did you come here?"

Peter snapped his head up to look at Harley, "w-well- I- you see-"Peter panicked trying to come up with a lie. He can't really tell him that he was the Spider-Man. "I-I just wanted to come here again. See the place again. Ya know?"

It wasn't a total lie. Peter did want to see the place again. To be in it again. It just wasn't his first time being back after... that. Much to Peter's relief, Harley believed him.

"I hear ya." Harley turned back to what he was tinkering with. "I remember visiting Tony. We would spend countless hours just creating things. We talked a lot. Spoke of you a lot."

"H-he mentioned me?"

"Well, yeah. Tony didn't just mention you. He spoke of you with so much passion. With so much pride."

"He spoke of you before. I remember the fondness in his eyes while telling me about you."

Harley and Peter turned to look at each other. Brown eye's meeting blue ones.

"He was like a proud father." They said in sync.

Peter and Harley smiled at each other. Standing up, Harley makes his way to Peter. The older boy putting a hand on the younger one's shoulder.

"It was good meeting you Pete. See you around."

Peter watched as Harley left. 'Maybe.' He thinks. 'Maybe things will get better.'


Meeting Ned and MJ should have been higher on his list. Making sure they were okay should have been his second priority, right after May (who was his first priority). Spider-Man and the Avengers could have waited. His friends well-being should have been before anything superhero related.

So here he was now. At the café, he, Ned, and MJ use to hang in. He was sitting at their usual table, the one in the corner by the window, waiting for them. Every time the door's bell rang, Peter would look up to see if it was his friends. To his dismay, it wasn't. Eventually Peter stopped looking at the door at every bell.

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