Back in Business

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 5: Back in Business

Peter couldn't shake off the feeling he now felt after waking up from that dream. It was the same feeling he had when he was in the soul stone. The one where he could feel all the fallen souls. That feeling. But it didn't make sense. Peter didn't feel this when he first woke up, plus the stone was still in shards. So why was he getting this feeling now?

Identifying who the souls were was harder than before. When Peter was inside the stone, he was able to focus on one soul and was able to tell which soul belonged to who. Then again, he's not in the stone anymore. But this certain soul wasn't just one, there were multiple. If Peter concentrated hard enough then he would be able to tell that there were three souls. All familiar, but at the same time unknown.

When Peter entered the common room, he didn't realize that the entire avengers and guardians team was watching him the minute he entered. Peter was so lost in thought that he didn't hear them calling him till he felt his spider senses going off and spin around to grab the arm coming at him. Brought back to reality, Peter 's eyes widened in realization that he grabbed the arm of the one and only Bucky Barnes.

"Holy shi-" Peter was cut of by a 'Language'. "S-sorry."

"Ah... don't be." Bucky told him as Peter let go of his arm.

"How'd you do that?" Clint asked as he took a bite of Sam's bacon.

"Do what?"

"How did you know Bucky was there? You seemed to be in your own little world."

"Oh, well... y-you see. I just have good reflexes?" Unfortunately Peter started that as question than a statement.

It didn't help Peter's nervousness when people gave him a 'are you sure?' look.

"Hey, what time is it actually?" Peter said trying the change the subject.

"Umm... it's almost eleven? I think." Shuri told him.

They were expecting him to just nod and say okay or something along those lines, but they didn't expect him to start freaking out! Peter's eyes widened that he heard that it was almost eleven. After snatching an apple, he high tailed it out of there. Unfortunately for him someone grabbed his arm before he could make it inside the elevator.

"Woah there kid! Where do you think your going!?" Peter turned to see that Bucky was the one who stopped him from leaving to see his aunt.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I have to go." Peter tried to pull away but Bucky was holding on tightly. Sighing, Peter used a bit of his spider strength and was able to twist his was out and pushed Bucky back hard enough that he stumbled back. Taking the opening Peter escaped leaving behind very confused heroes.


Peter was with May for the rest of the day. Although his mind kept wandering off to other places. People needed Spider-Man, but May needed him. The feeling he had in the soul stone now came back. Plus the fact that he promised that he would try and see if there was a way to get Natasha and Gamora out of the soul stone. May noticed that Peter wasn't present and concerned filled her up.

"What's wrong Peter?"

"N-nothing. Nothing's wrong. J-just a lot on my mind." Peter stuttered.

"Then tell me. What's on your mind?"

"I-. We-... People... people are asking where Spider-Man is."

"Yes, I too wonder where he went. I heard that even the Daily Bugle was asking for Spider-Man to return."

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