Friends of Friends

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 22: Friends of Friends

Peter woke up on his couch. He felt dull and numb. He sat there on the couch, hands on his lap and stared out the window in front of him. There was a couple of times where the others tried to talk to him, but Peter just stared emotionlessly out the window, completely ignoring them. Peter's mind was blank but it was also felt like a million thoughts were running through it. Suddenly his phone buzzed.

'Hey loser, Ned and I are gonna hang at the coffee shop. We wanna know if wanna come?'

Peter wanted to be alone, but he also needed to be around someone. He also knew that Ned and MJ wouldn't push, or at least Ned wouldn't. MJ might force the truth out of someone but if she does it would be for the persons own good. MJ knows her boundaries and would push the limit... in a good way.

'Yeah sure. I'll be there.'

Peter got up from his couch and grabbed a grey hoodie and black sweatpants from the bag he packed when he went to grab his belongings form his and May's apartment. He changed and pulled the hood up from his hoodie. Grabbing his phone and earphones, Peter walked to the elevator. He was then suddenly stopped.

"Hey kid, where are you going?" Peter turned to look at the voice to see Bucky.

"I'm heading out to see friends." Peter told him, not really seeing a reason to lie.

Bucky nodded and then proceeded to walk away silently. Peter looked confused by put shrugged it off. He entered the elevator and asked FRIDAY to take him to the ground floor. Obeying his request, FRIDAY took Peter to the ground floor and let him out of the moving box. Peter walked out and into the busy streets of New York. He plugged one earphone in and played his music.

Peter walked on autopilot. He continued walking, avoiding the people of New York. Peter finally saw the familiar coffee shop. He entered, hearing the small ding that came from the bell above the door. He looked around and saw Ned and MJ already there, sitting in their usual spot.

"Peter!" Ned waves him over. Peter sat down beside Ned and he two did there 'secret' handshake, "Here, your usual. Hot chocolate."

"Oh thanks."

"You look like shit." MJ pointed out finally looking away from her book.

"MJ!" Ned yelled.

"What? He does." MJ shrugged, "What happened this time?"

"May's gone." Peter whispered.

"Oh my god." Ned gasp, "Peter we are so sorry."

"No.. no. I'm fine." Ned and MJ gave the are you serious look.

"Peter, it's alright to not be fine."

"I know. But-"

"Listen here Peter." MJ put her book down, "You sound and look like a train hit you. So don't even use the overly used line of 'I'm fine' cause that's bull. Got it?"

"Yeah... yeah."

"Good." MJ then picked up her book and continued reading.

"So... where have you been staying?" Ned asked.

"Pepper was persistent that I stayed at the tower, although she doesn't know about May. At least I don't think she does."


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