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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 23: Visions

Laughter. That was all you could hear in the lab. Well, laughter and teenagers reciting vines and memes. It was after dinner and the group of five had raced back to the lab to watch the footage. And if you couldn't tell, it was hilarious.

"Oh my gosh! Did you see Steve's face!" Harley laughed.

"FRIDAY, replay that please." Peter asked.

The video replayed and the five laughed even harder. Peter laughed. Part of it was real, another part of it was fake. He was in the grey area where his mind wants to move on but his soul is still tied with May's, and his heart doesn't know where to go or who to choose.

Peter's not a stranger to Death. He's quite familiar with her actually. Not a surprise for Peter. First she takes his parents, then Ben, then Gwen, then Tony and now May. Sometimes Peter wonders if the whole universe is after him. He feels guilty. Peter blames himself for each one of their deaths.
If only he was fast enough Gwen would still be alive. Maybe if he didn't run out, Ben would still be here. What if he was never born, than maybe his parents would still be on this Earth. Maybe, just maybe if he pressed the gem, May would still be with him. And if only he never met Tony, maybe he wouldn't have felt the need to sacrifice himself. He would still be here with his wife and daughter.

Peter looks at his friends. Surely they would be fine without him. He thinks about the kids who he has grown fond of. He guesses that they would also be fine without him. Peter remembers New York. The avengers would look after the city and the other vigilantes would take care of the little guy. So he wouldn't be missed, Peter thinks. Peter looks at the bracelet that was still on his wrist.

"Peter!" Peter snapped out of his thoughts when Harley snapped a finger in front of his face "You still with us?"

"Hm? What? Yeah... yeah." Peter answered quickly, giving them a small smile. Everyone glanced at each other.

"You sure?" Ned asked, worried.

"Yup." Peter smiled, popping the 'p'.

Before anyone could say anything else, the gem on Peter's bracelet started to glow. Everyone stared at it in shock, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, Clint came barging in. No, not through the door, but through the vent.

"Parker!" He yelled, head pooping out of the vent. "We need you. Something's wrong with the soul stone."


Peter sat in the penthouse once again, surrounded by the avengers and guardians, with the soul stone in front of him. It was glowing brightly, much like the gem on his bracelet. Peter wondered why. He felt a pull towards the stone. However the usual feeling of the four souls were starting to fade.

"What's wrong with it?" Steve asked looking at the stone then at Peter then down at the bracelet.

"I don't know." Peter mumbled.

"What do you mean 'I don't know'?" Sam crossed his arms.

"I don't know. It's pretty self-explanatory." Peter sassed, "I don't know why it's acting up. Your guess is as good as mine."

"So what do we do? Just wait it out?" Bruce asked.

Peter shrugged.

"Does Strange know? Or your soul guardian friend?" Rhodey suggested.

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