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For starters let me introduce myself and give you guys some basic facts. Also if y'all wanna join in and answer the questions then be my guest. Also please read the author's note at the e

Name: You guys can all me Mystery

Birthday: July 25

Gender: Female

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Brown

Where am I in the world? Well I'm in Canada 🇨🇦

And I think that's all the basic facts. Now for the questions. I'll start with the common boring questions.


Colour: light blue or lavender

Fruit: apples, watermelons, blueberries, strawberries, practically any fruit

Songs: I have too many but probably pop songs or certain rap songs

Movie: Any MCU movies or Disney/Pixar movies

Series: Lucifer (it's on Netflix).

Flower: bleeding hearts, lavenders or roses

Anything else you guys want to know? Anywho move on to the more interesting questions by you guys

Who is the most inspiring person you know or who do you look up too?

My grandfather. I couldn't tell you why I looked up to him. Maybe it was because he was the one who always understood me but also didn't understand me but he'd still make an effort to comfort me. Or maybe because he was always stubborn and would do what he wanted not caring about what everyone else said. Or maybe because he's the one that inspired me in many ways especially when it came to music. I love him and I miss him... a lot.

Do you listen to musicals and if so which songs are your top three?

I can't pick songs but I can tell you my top three musicals
1. Hamilton
2. The Greatest Showman
3. The Lion King
Also not sure if these are the traditional musicals (at least the last two). I've never been to a proper broadway theatre but if I could see one then maybe it would be a Disney musical? or most definitely Hamilton (if it ever comes where I am). I don't know, we'll see.

Why cliffhangers?

I don't know. I love having them. The last cliffhanger wasn't even intensional. There was gonna be another chapter that would have ended this series but I decided to be evil and end it like that and just write another book.

What gave you inspiration to write this book?

Well reading other fanfics led me to create my own ideas. Soul Stone Soul Realm, the way it was written with a different character POV was inspired by another fanfic (I don't remember what it was called). Soul Wielder, the first chapter was entirely inspired by a fanfic I think it was called Net Force? It was on A03. It's better than mine so go check it out.


Sneak Peak will be up in an hour! So hope you guys are ready!

Anyway Byeee!

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