The Sun Will Shine On Us Again

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 16: The Sun Will Shine On Us Again

It's been a week since Peter spoke with Steve, and true to his word, Steve was trying. It was clear that the tension between the two had lessen. In result, the others (cough Sam Clint cough) had stopped bugging Peter about the soul stone. Much to his relief. But that didn't stop them from talking about when they thought he wasn't around. Those talks almost always ended in Steve yelling at them before calming down and saying that there was nothing they could do.

Peter felt guilty. Don't get him wrong, knowing that the avengers weren't pushing him for answers was a huge relief. Unfortunately, that didn't stop the guilt from creeping up on him. 'There's Nothing they could do. But there is Something you can do.' The small voice kept repeating in his head.

Peter was so lost in his thoughts he didn't realize a certain space ball of fur enter the common room and take a seat next to him. Rocket was looking at the boy, interested in the small device he was messing with.

"Hey kid." Rocket spoke up, causing Peter to jerk his head in his direction, "What is that?" Rocket asked pointing at the device.

"I-uh... What?" Peter looked down to see Rocket pointing at his web-shooter, "Oh... I-it's my uh, web-shooter."

"Your what?"

"It's a web-shooter." Peter demonstrated by pressing a button and shooting a string of webs at a near by wall, "See."

Rocket looked amazed before turning to Peter, "How much?"

Peter blinked, "Um... Sorry, not for sale. But uh, I can let you mess with the older ones I made."

"You made these!?" Rocket looked taken back.

"Well, yeah, I did. I kinda designed them myself, before Mr. Stark came and helped me upgrade them."

"Huh... you really are something else webs."

"So, have you helped out with clean up? I haven't seen you outside at all." Peter asked, trying to the conversation going.

"Me? Help out? Ha! You're funny. Quill won't even let me outside, saying terrains won't appreciate a cybernetic hybrid stealing their stuff while supposedly helping in the clean up." Rocket grumbled, "Star Munch clearly doesn't know what fun is."

Peter had a thoughtful look on his face, "So you've been stuck in here the entire time?"

"Pretty much kid."

"Maybe I can convince Quill to let you come with me. I can like, give you a small tour?" Rocket looked at Peter weirdly, "Of course, only if you want to! I won't force you to do something you don't want to do! I just thought that you would want to leave the tower and-."

"Thanks for the offer webs." Rocket cut Peter off, "I'll take up the offer, if Quill agrees."

Rocket smiled at Peter which Peter returned, relieved that he didn't offend Rocket. The two continued to talk until Morgan came in and practically dragged Peter away. However as Peter let Morgan lead him away, he heard Rocket mumble one more thing.

"I guess not all Peter's are jackasses."


Peter looked out the window in front of his couch. He was up all night, unable to sleep... again. He skipped breakfast in favour of just sitting on the couch. It was the first time this week he skipped breakfast, he started to eat with the avengers, in an attempt to show that he was willing to give them a second chance. So far things have been going well.

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