The News

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Everything in here belongs to Marvel. Any OC added will be made known that they are mine. Other than that it belongs to Marvel.

Chapter 2: The News

A brown haired boy is running threw the streets of New York City. Weaving through the crowd in a hurry. Even with the debris from the battle and all the construction sites in the way, Peter had no intentions in stopping. If he didn't have his spider abilities then he would have broke down trying to catch his breath from all the running he was doing. But Peter couldn't stop, he wouldn't stop. Not until he got to May.

Finally Peter saw the building he had been running towards come into view. Seeing the building, Peter started to push himself a little further. Enough so that he was running faster but not fast enough to drag unwanted attention from running at Captain America speed. Running inside he came to a stop at the receptionist.

"Where can I find May Parker?" Peter asked quickly, he was slightly panting.

"Who are you and how are you related to the patient?" The lady asked politely.

"I am her nephew, Peter Parker. Her last living relative."

"Okay." The lady nodded then typed something in her computer. "You will find Ms. Parker in room AF-15." (AN: Do you guys know that reference.)

The second Peter heard the room May was in, he literally booked it there. When Peter got there the site devastated him. There was May laying on the bed, a heart beat monitor attached to her as well a nasal cannula. May was pale, like sickly pale, her eyes shut, and her breaths were strained. The only thing reassuring Peter that she was still alive was her heartbeats and the small movement of her chest.

"Oh May." Peter went up to her and sat on the chair by her bed. He reached out and held her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Are you Peter Parker?" Peter turned to see a man, he nodded. "My names Doctor Lykin. I have been Ms. Parker's doctor."

Doctor Lykin stuck out his hand for Peter to shake, which he took politely.

"Is she okay? What happened?" Peter asked the doctor. Doctor Lykin sighed and looked at Peter with sympathy.

"She has been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. I'm sorry."

"Is it treatable?"

"Yes it is but it is harder to cure and there is a risk that the cancer will grow back." Doctor Lykin went to leave, "I'll leave the decision to you." With that he left.

Peter just sat there. Holding May's hand, the only sound was her heartbeat. Even with the enhanced hearing, Peter couldn't hear anything else. His mind seemed to shut down when he heard the unwanted news. Peter felt something wet fall down his cheeks. He didn't even realize he was crying.

"Please don't leave me May. Please. You're the only one I have left. Pl-please." Peter sobbed into his arm.

Peter didn't know how much time had pass. Nor did he care how much time had pass. He was just snapped back to reality when a nurse came by asking if he had a place to go.

"Hey, sweetheart, do you have a place to go for the night?"

"Can't I stay here?" Peter choked out.

"I'm sorry dear, but you have to leave. You can always come back tomorrow. You have a place where you can go right?"

"Umm..." Peter struggled to answer. He didn't think he could go back to their apartment, not without May. Pepper would most likely let him stay at the tower. "Yeah. I do."

"Good, now off you go." The nurse moved out of the way so Peter could leave. Reluctantly he got up. before exiting the room, he stole one last glance at May.


Peter took his time heading back to the tower. By the time he arrived it was pitch black outside. Peter entered the private elevator and was greeted by a solemn FRIDAY.

"Welcome back Peter. Shall I take you to the common room?"

"Can you actually take me to Pepper please?"

"Of course Peter."

When the elevator doors opened Peter walked out. He immediately saw Pepper exiting a room as she shut the door behind her softly. Pepper turned and saw Peter there. She immediately ran up and engulfed him in a hug.

"Where have you been Peter!?"

"I'm sorry I worried you. Umm... can I umm... maybe stay here?"

"Oh of course! You know where it is right? The room Tony had you stay in when you'd stay overnight?"

"Oh, ya. I know where the room is."

Pepper smiled, "Okay, goodnight Peter."

"Night Miss. Po- Mrs. S-... Pepper." Peter stumbled. Pepper smiled at Peter one more time before turning and walking away.

Peter watched as Pepper disappeared from view before heading towards the room. The same room he used to stay in five years ago. Had it really been five whole years? But... people had only aged one year since the snap. So maybe it's only been one year? Peter was brought out of his thoughts when he came across the familiar door. Taking a breath, Peter reached for the handle. Suddenly he stopped and pulled his hand away.

No. This room holds too many memories. Not only from Mr. Stark- from Tony -but from May as well. He couldn't go in there. At least not now. Or maybe never. No. He will eventually go in there. He just needs more time.

Peter slowly backed away from the door and kept heading down the hall. He kept wandering until he found a secluded area, and conveniently there was a couch that had a chaise on the left side. The couch was facing the a window that looked over the city. It was a beautiful site. All the lights illuminating the night. Peter found a blanket in a closet and set up his makeshift bed. As his eyes started to feel heavy, his last thoughts were about May.


Here's chapter 2 Mystics! I'm really tired but wanted to complete the chapter for all of you. I'm glad that you guys are excited for book 2.

DP: I told you the readers love me. See the last chapter.

Author: I never said they didn't. Also who let you back in here?

DP: Uhh, I did.

Author: (sighs) of course.

Anyway Byeee!

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