Chapter 6

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Author's Pov

"Come on! Come on! Let's go!" 

Taehyung shouted excitedly as Rui tried to keep up with his pace, "Slow down, the movie hasn't started yet. We just got out of school!" She laughed when he kept pulling her hand.

"He's so not okay when it comes to her." Namjoon grinned, turning his head to Jin as the rest of Taehyung's bodyguards were following behind them.

"I haven't seen him smile this much, ever since she left him," Jin sighed in disappointment.

"Hyung, that happened years ago. Let's not bring it up again, for Taehyung's sake." Namjoon put his hand on Jin's shoulder. "Besides, he's happy with her now. We all want the best for him."

"Yes, of course..." Jin scoffed before walking ahead to open the door to the limousine for Taehyung and Rui with a warm expression on his face.


Rui's Pov

"Um... I thought we were going to the movies?" I asked confusingly when we approached Taehyung's mansion.

"Pardon me, but maybe we should've given you a quick tour when you first came here. Taehyung also has a theater here too. My apologies," Jin chuckled as we began to enter the driveway.

I gasped dramatically, "What?! You had a theater and you didn't tell me? Wow, I feel left out."

"Y-You never asked," Taehyung giggled.

"Mhm... fair enough, but still!"

"And here we are!" 

We stopped in front of the entrance to the mansion and got out of the limousine one by one.

We all walked inside the mansion and before we could go further, Jin stopped us, "We'll leave you and Taehyung alone now. Call us if you need anything, we're just upstairs." Jin smiled before the rest of the crew followed him up the stairs, leaving Taehyung and me by ourselves.

"Let's take off our shoes first." I playfully reminded him.

We both took off our shoes and put our backpacks aside. "Follow m-me."

We made our way to the door and as soon as Taehyung opened it, my excitement grew.

To my surprise, there was nothing.

Nothing, but pitch black darkness.

He suddenly closed the door behind us and I flinched, "Taehyung, where are the lights?"

He didn't say anything but held my hand gently, guiding me through the darkness as we walked down the stairs.

We kept on walking down which seemed like forever because we weren't coming to a stop.

"How long are these stairs?"

"W-We're almost there."

We continued to go down until Taehyung slightly turned me around.

There was a single light that was turned on across from us. And from its shed of light, there was a beautiful red rose standing inside a glass cover that had elegant designs to match its aesthetics with the rose. The small round table held both objects.

"Walk over to it... with a single touch of the rose, you'll see what will unfold before your eyes." He whispered to my ear as he held my shoulders from behind.

I slowly walked over to the rose, cautiously.

Our surroundings were still dark and that just increased how nervous I was because what if something just jumped out at me?

Maybe I'm just too paranoid.

I turned around to see Taehyung when suddenly the floor caught my attention.

There was light coming from the floor with each step that I took, I looked up at Taehyung almost freaking out.

"It's okay! Keep walking!" He yelled from a distance.

I nervously turned around and kept on walking as I focused on my feet. 

Step after step, the light followed after it until I finally approached the rose.

I slowly uncovered the glass from the rose and gazed upon it before taking it, waiting for something to happen.

Nothing, again.

"Taehyung just tell me if-"


I stopped when I heard a noise echo across from me. After the noise came more noises as if many things were going on at once when suddenly, there was finally light illuminating the room, slowly getting brighter.

Finally, it became more visible to me now that this huge room was night themed. We were surrounded by plants, and flowers, and right across from me was a cherry blossom tree as its blossoms came falling ever so gently. And right behind it was a small waterfall running.

I began walking around in astonishment as I was taking in this breathtaking place.

I walked over to the waterfall and there, lotuses were floating with candles being lit inside of them.

Some lights lit up underneath the water and there I saw Koi fish swimming freely at their own will.

I followed the water as it created a stream that led me to a bridge that crossed over it.

I turned and turned to find myself surrounded by fireflies and butterflies.

"Oh my gosh..."

"Do you like it?" I quickly turned around to see Taehyung leaning forward, his face close to my own.

"I couldn't have imagined that you would have something like this in your basement." I laughed.

"Well, this is my private greenhouse. It's been here for a while now. I don't think I've entered here in years."

We walked on the bridge to the cherry blossom tree, "You see that big branch right there?" 

He pointed as I averted my eyes to the direction that he was pointing, "I used to always climb up and sit up there whenever I felt down, whenever I wanted comfort. Now, I've rarely come to be here by myself."

I turned my head to him, seeing him with a calm expression.

"You're full of surprises, do you know that?" I smiled softly as he turned his head to me.

"This is amazing... it seems almost too unrealistic for me to think this is happening..." I said as I looked down, trying to hide my cheeks.

"Then believe it. Believe that this is true. Believe that this is happening to you."

His hand reached my face as he took hold of it gently cupping my cheek, "Believe that you're here in this moment with me too."

"You turn dreams into reality..." I said as I looked up at him in the eyes.

"That's my job, don't you think so?." He smiled before leaning closer to my face.

"Yes, indeed it is," I said before I closed my eyes feeling his lips graze mine as we kissed.

My first kiss.


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