Chapter 13

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Rui's Pov

School was almost over, and impatiently, I forced my heavy eyes to look at the clock and was desperate to hear the last bell of the day. Ever since lunch was over, I have been feeling nauseous and a pounding headache began to occur to me during my gym class, which made me feel as if I was going to pass out. I continued my classes hoping that the nauseous feeling and my headache would eventually go away, but it worsened instead as time flew by the day.

Everyone rushed out when the first ring went off.  I lifted myself from my seat with the help of my palms holding on to my desk for support and stood up in front of Taehyung, waiting for him to pack all of his school belongings in his bag. I watched Namjoon leave the class as well.

They're probably busy with personal matters, maybe that's why they're leaving without us.

"I won't be able to go with you today. I'm going to my apartment to rest because I'm not feeling well for some reason. Sorry for canceling our date." I looked up to Taehyung who stood there with an emotionless face before turning it into a worried expression after hearing what I said, observing the state I was in.

"H-How about I take you to rest at my place instead? No one w-will be able to take care of you if you're just by y-yourself! I-I have medicine for you to take! I have candy to g-give to you after you take your medicine to make the bitter taste go away! J-Jin will cook your meals! I have everything to provide you with, so you don't need to worry about not getting what you need!" he insisted.

"What if I told you I was on my period too? Then what would you do?" I teased him as I shook my head.

"I already have everything prepared for that problem since I knew you would mention it!" he said proudly.

I stared at him in a confused way.

He's a boy, why would he have pads in his mansion? It's not like I'm living with him. Why would he get them? Do women usually go to his place?

Knowing how insistent Taehyung gets could get me a little anxious sometimes if I was brutally honest. It pressures me because, of course, I couldn't say no to him even if I wanted to. It would usually end up with him in tears, having a tantrum, or him being upset with me for a couple of hours until he comes to me and apologizes for his actions for ignoring me.

I hung out with him almost every day ever since I arrived at this school. I kind of missed being alone and having time to myself without going out for a whole evening. Not only that, but it started affecting my grades due to staying up late to finish assignments after coming back from Taehyung's residence, and it screwed up my time management.  I have lost sleep ever since. Wanting to take this chance, I took advantage of the situation that I was in as an excuse.

"Tae, I know you just want to help me. It's kind of you, but I would prefer to stay at my apartment instead," I told him firmly.

"B-But... but... but why?" he whined.

"What do you mean why? I live there!" I emphasized, looking at him in disbelief. I sighed, "Look, I don't have the energy to argue with you and I'm not feeling well, so please move so I can go home," I said before heading toward the door.

Before I could reach it, Taehyung yanked my arm towards him until my body collided with his hard chest, "Taehyung what on earth are you doing?" I squealed as I pressed my hands on his chest and struggled to move away from him.

I looked around the class in hopes of seeing our teacher's presence in the room, but he was nowhere to be found because he had also left to print out some papers in the teacher's lounge.

I was given no response from Taehyung, but instead, he took my wrist with his tight grip before almost dragging me with him through the hallway to the limousine.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I pleaded as I weakly clawed his arm that held me tightly, not giving me a chance to escape.

By then, Taehyung had successfully pulled me outside next to the limousine and gestured for me to get in because the door was opened, not by Jin, but by a man who I was not familiar with.

Before I could say anything and yell at him for what he just did, and why he was doing this, my body suddenly collapsed against its own will against the cold cement. My body began to slowly feel numb starting from my legs, spreading upwards to my stomach, my arms, then to my face. I looked up to see Taehyung's eyes staring at me, watching as I struggled to stay conscious.

"W-What... what d-did you... give... me?" I said before my eyes gave up on me, his face blurred from my vision before turning black, and my limbs that fell to my sides carelessly.


Taehyung's Pov

I sighed, both of my hands rubbing my face before they landed on my hips.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Why did you have to make the situation harder than it should be?

I bent down and removed her backpack before lifting her body in bridal style.  Gently as I could, I carried her into the limousine with me and sat down before placing her head on my lap, her legs taking up the remainder of space the seat had left to provide.

My men grabbed both of our backpacks and placed them on the seat across from us before running around the vehicle to settle on the driver's seat.

"Did you take care of the school's security cameras?" I asked as I caressed Rui's head, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

It must be the symptoms of the drug.

"Yes, sir. I managed to freeze the security cameras and placed a ten-minute timer to give us time to leave. It should go back to normal in exactly three minutes and twenty-one seconds," he reported.

"What about the witnesses who saw what just happened?"

"Don't worry, sir. We had distracted them for you to avoid spilling more blood than needed on your behalf. There are no witnesses," he said.

I chuckled deeply, "You did a great job. Thank you for also thinking about me."

"Of course, sir," the man said before driving out of the school's parking lot.

I nodded in approval before holding my attention to Rui who was now unconscious of what was going on. I caressed her cheek with my hand before moving my thumb to caress her bottom lip.

"Drive on the streets that are not as bumpy. I don't want to worsen her headache from the ride," I said.

"As you wish."

I looked back down to admire her face up close before I bent down, gently placing a kiss on her forehead.

"No matter what... don't leave me..." I whispered to her before taking her small hand in my large one.

"Don't hate me..."


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