Chapter 8

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Author's Pov

Breaking the silence of the rose garden nearby, Taehyung skipped happily to the limousine with his six bodyguards walking behind him. The happy tune in his humming got the others' attention.

"He seems to be in a very good mood this morning. Do you think it's because of her?" Hoseok whispered to Jin.

"I mean, he did bring his guts to kiss her twice yesterday so I guess that's what's bringing his mood up?" Jin replied.

"Whoa wait- what do you mean by twice?" Hoseok questioned, but was left with no replies.

"I can hear you guys! Now hurry up!" Taehyung yelled out.


 The seven boys walked into the quiet hallways only hearing the echoing noise that the heels of their shoes were making.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom first. You guys can go to the classroom without me," Taehyung told the others.

"Would you be alright being here by yourself? Are you sure you don't need us?" Jin asked worriedly.

"Trust me, I don't want you guys hearing me use the bathroom. It's just really weird and embarrassing." Taehyung scrunched his nose.

"Okay, but tell us if you need anything then. We're just upstairs," Jin said before he signaled the others to come with him, leaving Taehyung alone.

After Taehyung was done with his business, he walked by himself and into the hallway already seeing a few kids walking around and going to their lockers. He quickly rushed to the stairs and before he could make it, he was pulled to the side with a hand over his mouth and with two people dragging him straight to the gym.

When they finally reached the gymnasium, Taehyung was thrown harshly to the floor and the first thing that he saw was the shoes that belonged to a certain someone.


"Well, if it isn't my old friend Tae. So how's it been? Did you have fun going to the movies with her yesterday?" Jooyoung bitterly spat at Taehyung with disgust, his group surrounding him who was on the floor searching for his glasses. "You still dared to take her with you even after I warned you? Who do you think you are? Huh?" he yelled as he kicked Taehyung hard on his side, sending Taehyung flying across the gym floor.

"S-So what if I took her with m-me? She was never yours, to begin with. She is mine and I am hers. We're both already together and there's nothing that you can do about it." Taehyung smirked at Jooyoung as he wiped his mouth covered with his blood.

The reaction that Jooyoung gave was more than satisfying to him that Jooyoung was having it. The fact that he provoked Jooyoung was a sign of rebellion that Jooyoung has never seen from him before.

And Jooyoung didn't like that. Not one bit.

"This kid-" one of Jooyoung's friends said before lounging for Taehyung.

"Wait," Jooyoung said, stopping his friend, "there's another solution to all of this. There doesn't have to be violence involved, boys, because I have an even better idea."

Jooyoung walked towards Taehyung and squatted down in front of him. "Do you remember this music box? I remember it used to be your favorite back in middle school." Jooyoung held out an old boombox in front of Taehyung's face, frightening Taehyung. "Awww, is someone being a scaredy cat now? There's no need to be afraid of a harmless boombox," Jooyoung mocked while his friends were laughing out loud. "How about we play some music, yeah? Music isn't harmful at all."

Jooyoung pulled out a CD and inserted it into the boombox and adjusted the volume as high as possible. The first thing that was heard as soon as it was finally loaded was the sound of heavy metal music.

Taehyung covered his ears as tightly as he could to avoid any noise coming from the boombox. The noise was so painful that he thought his ears were going to burst. The music felt like it was getting louder and louder and he thought he was going to go insane.

"Jooyoung! Turn it off right now! Please! I beg you! Please turn it off!" Taehyung cried, but Jooyoung ignored his pleading.

"What? I can't hear you! What did you say again?" Jooyoung mockingly shouted out, laughing along with his friends.

Taehyung tightly shut his eyes tight and cried through the pain. His hands did everything possible to not let the noise get to his ears. It was like hell and he couldn't help but feel vulnerable at this point.

Jooyoung eventually turned it off when he thought it was already enough to teach Taehyung a lesson. "Hey, can you still hear me? Or have you gone deaf?"

Taehyung didn't reply when his eyes were wide from the trauma he had once again experienced and his hands were still tightly covering his ears. His heavy breathing with his mouth partly opened and his vulnerable state making his legs that were knelt shake in terror.

"Tsk, are you asking for another beating? Give me some fucking respect, will you? I'm talking to you right now." Jooyoung walked up and grabbed a fistful of Taehyung's hair.

Before Jooyoung could do anything more to him, an angry scream echoed in the gym.


Rui's Pov

"You guys let go of him right now!" I screamed my lungs out before I ran to them with Jin and the rest of the crew behind me.

"Jooyoung, we should probably leave now," one of his friends muttered.

Jooyoung gritted, "Not a chance am I going to leave like a coward-"

Before he could say anything more, I lunged for him and started to beat the life out of him while Jin they were handling the others.

"What did I say about touching Taehyung? Huh? You jerk!" I yelled out before pulling at his hair harshly making him yelp in pain. "What happened to being the best in Taekwondo? You can't even bring me down!" I yelled before bringing my hand and slapped him across his face.

I tightly held his face close to mine, "Next time you do this again, I won't let you go so easily. Got that?" I spat before harshly letting him go.

I watched him and the rest of his crew running for the exit until they disappeared.

I quickly ran to Taehyung who was still in the same position as he was before and held him tightly to me, "It's going to be alright Tae. It's going to be alright. Jin and all of us are here. Everything is alright now," I cooed.

Not long after that, Taehyung finally responded by holding me tighter in my embrace as he cried in my arms.

"It was my fault. I knew I shouldn't have left him alone," Jin said, looking down in shame.

"It wasn't your fault. You were just doing what you were told to do," I said as I kept rubbing Taehyung's back in comfort. "All of us should take better care of him from now on, okay?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. "Has anyone reported about what just happened?" Yoongi asked.

"Uh, yeah? I did," Jungkook proudly announced.

"Damn, that quick?" Hoseok questioned.

"Considering that the school knows Taehyung and the fact that they really won't tolerate what Taehyung goes through, it was quite easy. Don't worry, the bullies are going to be taken care of." Jungkook smiled.

"I meant your speed to get to the office-"

"Really?" I questioned.

"Trust me." Jungkook winked.


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