Chapter 9

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Rui's Pov

After what had happened in the gym, the crew, Taehyung, and I got permission to be sent home. Taehyung wasn't in his best state and insisted on leaving school immediately after we had all reported to the principal.

We were all now back in his mansion. While Jin and the others were preparing food to cheer Taehyung up, I was cuddling with him in the theater while watching a movie as he held me tightly to him.

"Do you know what I was thinking about when Jooyoung did that to me?" Taehyung blurted out of nowhere.

I turned to him. "What were you thinking?" I asked.

"I thought about all the different possibilities as to why he would keep this up. Why he would still keep on bullying me? Turns out, it was only for his satisfaction to feel better about himself. I knew this. I knew this a long time ago, but I still kept quiet," he said.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Pretending to be normal and to not be me is not easy-"

"Why pretend?" I cut him off. "Who cares about what people think? You can't change who you are. What's important is that you shouldn't change yourself for someone. It will only ruin you. Think about it. You change yourself for others, but do they think much about it? No, because it's the least of their concerns. The world is constantly changing, Taehyung. Someday, I hope that it will become a better place for everyone and that no one will be left out. And that everyone is accepted to be who they truly are," I told him.

I turned to look at Taehyung to see him staring down at me. His eyes were filled with happiness and his soft smile made him look so soft and squishy.

"You look so soft and squishy," I blurted before squeezing his left cheek with my right hand, "Bread cheeks."

He playfully scoffed before slowly bending his head down towards mine, intertwining our lips together. Our movements slowly moved in sync before his hand slowly crept to my head and gently moved me closer to him.

He pulled away and had our foreheads together. "Thank you for standing up to Jooyoung for me. You did a great job," he said with a proud smile.

"You're welcome, Tae," I chuckled.


"You were such a badass, I didn't even think you had that in you to beat the shit out of a guy. Where's my innocent little Rui?" Jin teased making everyone laugh.

"I honestly didn't know where I got that adrenaline from until I saw what happened. I just couldn't stand it!" I exclaimed.

"None of us would have tolerated that either. To be honest, we should just sue the bullies in my opinion," Yoongi suggested before eating the fruits served on the table.

"That seems reasonable enough, but aren't we being too extra about this? Suing them? Guys, I don't want to deal with this again. It's too much work," Hoseok whined.

"Dude, our friend, also known as our boss, just got severely bullied and you're telling me that what we're all going to agree on doing is too much work? Oh please, give me a break." Jimin sipped his tea.

"You asswipe, that's not what I meant. Geez..." Hoseok let out before munching on a cookie.

"Okay, whoever wants us to sue the bullies say 'Aye'. The ones who don't want to deal with the process of suing them say 'Nah', alright?" Namjoon announced.

"Why are we making such a big deal over suing a bunch of kids when we can just literally say yes or no?" I mumbled.

"Can we just sue them? There's no need for votes guys," Jungkook said with his arms crossed.

"If we were to do it, the public will know and it might affect our company's image and reputation," Jin said as he paced back and forth. "Jooyoung's father also owns a business too," he said.

"Yes, he's one of the other bigger companies that we're competing against at the conference, which is scheduled in a few days," Jimin informed.

"I'm sure we can sue him before the conference," Yoongi shrugged. "What do you think, Taehyung?" he asked.

I turned to Taehyung as he looked down in deep thought before making a final decision, "I'll let him go this time, but next time? He won't be getting away," Taehyung said calmly.

"Oh man, we never have any action around this place," Jungkook pouted.

Just then, we heard a window being smashed from outside and it was just enough to alert everyone who was in the mansion.

"We're under attack! Rui! Take Taehyung to the hideout! Now!" Jin yelled before loading his gun.

I quickly nodded before running with Taehyung to the stairs. I started to hear gunshots coming in our direction and decided to throw anything behind me to slow the shooters down. Although I knew the objects were priceless, our lives were more important.

We ran up the stairs and to Taehyung's room before going into his private study to take refuge in there. "Why are there attackers? Why are there guns? Why are there people trying to kill us?" I panicked as I paced back and forth.

"R-Rui, everything's going to be okay. J-Jin they're already t-taking care of it," he said trying to calm me down.

"What if they get hurt? What if they die? What if I don't ever get to see them again?" I said before starting to cry.

"Shhh Rui, I promise they'll make it out just fine," he assured me.


"Well, what do you know? You finally got the 'action' that you've wanted, pretty boy. Happy now?" Jin shook his head before shifting his gaze to Jungkook, who was lying down in his hospital bed injured from three bullets that split through his body. Luckily, he survived.

All of us arrived at the hospital when one of the attackers pulled a dirty move on Jungkook, but Jin and the others were fast enough to catch them before they could escape. We called the police and they were arrested, but before they were, we made sure to interrogate them before letting them go.

"I'm so happy you guys made it out alive. I was so worried," I said.

"Yeah, we're happy that we all did. Not only that, but we also found out who they were working for," Hoseok said before proudly holding up a CD of the filmed interrogation. "I like to do it the old way. That way, we would have solid evidence. Don't worry, I also have it on my phone. All of us do. In case anyone tries to destroy one of ours, we can still use someone else's copy of the interrogation."

"That's pretty smart. For once you have finally used your head," Jimin teased.

"Hey! Don't make fun of me," Hoseok pouted.

"So, who was it then? Behind all of this?" I asked.

"They work for Jooyoung's father, but they attacked us under Jooyoung's orders. Jooyoung's friends were also involved," Jimin said.

"Does his dad know about this?" I asked.

"No, he does not. Not yet at least. Until he sees the news, that's when he'll know," Taehyung said.

"See? Another better reason to sue them. Not only that, Jooyoung will be removed and their company won't have to compete with us anymore due to the attack. Two birds hit with one stone, yeah?" Yoongi wiggled his eyebrows.

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