Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: This chapter is the darkest one out of all the others in this story. There will be blood, gore, and violence. If you feel uncomfortable, please skip to the next chapter. Read at your own risk.


Taehyung's Pov

Breathing heavily in excitement with a sadistic smile that danced upon my lips, my eyes were now fixed on the ten doors that stood before me. Slowly closing my eyes, I focused on the beating of my heart that pounded agonizingly slow as my chest clenched at the blood-splattered image that I pictured in my head, the screams that I imagined hearing increasing my adrenaline. My slender fingers tightly grasped the handle of my sword whose blade reflected the moonlight eerily in silence from the only small window that provided the light.

My eyes were now opened to the blissful reality before me.

"Hm..." I hummed while poking my cheek and my head tilted to the side, thinking about which door I should enter.

"Roses are red..." I whispered as I now picked up my feet that glided lazily on the white tiles of the very last floor of my mansion, "pink roses will now rot..." my sword grazed the tiles which made a loud screeching noise that echoed in the room, "the white rose is now stained," I approached the first door, "in red as I have finally thought," I turned the cold door knob and entered the first door to my left, closing it behind me before locking it.

"Well, look what we have here," I smiled before approaching my first victim who was hanging in the air with his wrists tightly tied with a rope, struggling to untie himself before stopping when he saw my presence. The room was cold with nothing but knives. Knives hanging on every wall, every corner, knives of every kind, knives that are sharp enough to kill. 

"Kim Taehyung? What are you doing here?" the victim asked, his eyes solely focused on who he never thought would turn out like this, "What do you want?"

I pulled out the first envelope from my pocket, holding it up before him, "Do you recognize this, Lee Felix?" I asked with a smile.

"What... How did you get that? How did you get a hold of that?" he questioned eagerly, struggling to free himself when he saw his confession note to Rui in someone else's hands.

"Tsk tsk tsk... that's none of your concern," I said before walking up to him. "I simply just... borrowed it for the time being, but I don't plan to give it back to her because..." I stopped in front of him and whispered in his ear, "What's the importance of this note when the person isn't alive anymore to tell her his feelings in person?"

Felix's breathing stopped as he heard this coming from me. His chest clenched in pure anxiety, his cold sweat breaking with his endless thoughts of trying to plan his useless idea to escape when he knew this situation was already inescapable. 

Who would have known that the person who he thought was harmless, who was so bright, who was so timid, would turn out to be someone who he would least expect.

"You have feelings for Rui too, huh?" he chuckled before laughing hysterically. I watched him with a deeply calm expression, waiting for what he was about to pour out with what I considered, his filthy mouth. "You... you think she will like you after what you did? You don't think she's going to suspect you, huh? You delusional lunatic," he spat with a smile before looking at me with his hooded eyes, his bags visibly showing from a lack of sleep. "It's funny... it's so funny, you know? Do you think she'll love you after this? Do you think you'll be able to convince her to love you after you kill me? After you kill many others who you think have wronged you by taking a liking to someone who you have feelings for? You're so funny," he laughed before leaning his head forward in my direction, "I can already see you begging for her to love you back after she finds out about the horrible things that you went out of your way to do for her."

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