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i'm so freaking sad. we're going to be in 8th grade! i don't want all of my 7th grade memories to truly just be memories. once this school year starts 7th grade is literally over. all of lower school is literally over. middle school will be over in the blink of an eye. i've always dreamed of growing up. being 14. 15. 16. driving. dating. breaking hearts. getting my heart broken. 17. 18. BAM! i'm an adult. college. graduating. 19. 20. 21. drinking. raving. these next four years of my life will fly by! and then all of a sudden i'll be an adult. i don't want it to end. God made it so that everything must end. and ya i'll be up there in Heaven, sitting in a hot tub with my eternal life. the one thing that can't end. i don't want it to end. me and you being tech nerds. booth bob and booth bridget. god we couldn't think of any other b names other than becky could we? me and anouk having stupid photoshoots inspired by actresses. me and grace arguing and then making up. me and my weekly crushes! i don't want all of those memories to suddenly not be a day away. i don't want to feel my childhood slipping away.... but over the summer i've learned that it has almost fully slipped away. my childhood. leaving my old school and coming to liberty. instantly having a crush on clayton sobecki. wanting to be bffs with everyone. growing over so many years. arguing with way too many people. having a TERRIBLE fourth grade. fifth grade, on of my most favorite years. sixth grade being anew beginning and a sad end. 7th grade literally sucking. zachary michael mollo being zachary michael mollo. learning how to truly act. learning how to learn from my issues. learning to forgive. to forget. it seems like just yesterday i walked into mrs. palmers 2nd grade class.... everyone wide eyed as the new kids walk in. the twins who looked NOTHING alike. time flys when you're having fun right? well time flew, a lot faster than i would have liked. and after this year levi we will be highschoolers. our childhoods will be gone in a year. fully. disappeared. even though i've always dreamt about growing up, i've known that deep down once i get there? i will want to go back to my first day at liberty. as many regrets as i have if things i could have done or said and should have, i wouldn't change a thing.  and i know that no matter how many times i screw up, i still wouldn't change a thing. i wouldn't be me without all my screwing up. i guess that just finally hit me and i thought i would share. thanks for always being a friend to me, even from the first time i met you, you were always a good friend. thanks for being kind when i sure as heck wasn't. and thanks for giving me so many memories. i guess they really are just memories now.

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