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mike was out with meagan tonight, their first stop was the movies. meagan wanted to see the second back to the future movie. when meagan tried to pay for her ticket mike insisted on paying for the ticket and any food item she wanted. the two go a large popcorn and two sodas. when they walked into the theater there was barely anyone in there. they walked up to the first few seats and sat down, "barely anyone in here." mike said, "yeah that's weird! everyone i talked to said they were going to see it this weekend." meagan said sipping on her coke, a few moments later the lights went off in the theater and the movie began to play.

a few times throughout the movie they reached in the popcorn box at the same time, both muttering quick apology's to each other. towards the middle of the movie meagan rested her head on his shoulder, mike's cheek flushed red and a faint smile appeared on his face.

after the movie was over they walked out of the theater hand in hand, "the first movie was way better." mike said, "yeah, it didn't even make sense!"

"thank you! no sense at all, critics don't know what their talking about." meagan laughed, "do you want to go to the park and just walk around?" she asked, "sure."

"you've been friends with her for 11 years?!" meagan
asked in astonishment, "yeah, it's crazy. we haven't been in one fight before."

"no way."

"yes way. there's just nothing we've had to fight about." he chuckled, "and you guys have never thought of each other more than friends?"
meagan asked, "nope."

"every pair of friends that i've ever known like you guys has always ended up together, it's so cool your friendship is so solid." mike had to chuckle, "yeah, not us."

meagan nodded, "well i should be getting home soon, my dad might kill me."

mike took meagan home and then went back to his house. he noticed his fathers car was still in the driveway making him roll his eyes. he put his keys in his pocket and walked into the couch seeing his father opening another beer in the kitchen. "where were you?" he slurred, "on a date." mike muttered s
walking up the stairs, "get back down here!"

mike came down from the stairs to face his father, "when i'm talking to you, you stay here. got it dipshit?" mike nodded, "now, why didn't you tell me you'd be out?"

"didn't think you'd care." mike shrugged, "i told you about disrespecting me again!" his fathers hand swung towards his face making him stumble backwards, "you do anything like that again and it will be a hell lot worse." mike nodded and went up the stairs quickly, he went into the bathroom and looked at his face. a forming bruise could be seen and his nose was bleeding. "damnit." he muttered starting to clean his face off.

when everything looked somewhat normal again he went to his room to call el.


mike had agreed to go on a date with meagan, so they were out tonight, leaving el by herself. mike said he would be back around 10 or 11 so she waited in her room for his call. as it was getting later it was harder for her to stay awake, she had done all of her exhausting homework and had even cleaned up a little. 10:30 and he hasn't called yet, she wondered if he was still out, or even if something happened. right as her worries began to rise was when the phone started to ring, he always seemed to call at the perfect timing.

𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now