done with your bullshit

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jealousy was something everyone in hawkins felt at one point. and sometimes the terrible feeling inside made you want to lash out and do something about it. some people were too weak to really do anything about it. but not meagan pines.

when the blond saw her boyfriend and el together at the mall she knew something was going on. el was his best friend, and that's what she thought they would always be. but because the two of them had not been to school for a couple days and now they were at the mall together, meagan got the wrong idea into her head.

she didn't want to be creepy but she just had to see what was really going on. after a few moments of watching them walk around and look at dresses the two stopped and she could clearly see both of them.

el was looking down and she was saying something. meagan needed to hear what she was saying so she got a little closer to them, just close enough to listen. meagan's eyes furrowed when mike took her face in his hands. "stop talking, your beautiful okay? don't listen to what's going on in there because it's not true. do you understand?"

even though it was just a simple compliment, it still made meagan furious. mike never seemed like the soft type, not with her at least. but when el came around his mood instantly switched, it was like she had this effect on him that meagan didn't. and it hurt. it hurt to know that mike would always love el more than her.

she continued watching them as they looked around the store for any dress that the brunette would like. when el finally came out in a pink dress, meagan's eyes drifted to her boyfriend. his eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open. when el finally asked his opinion on the dress he didn't say anything for a few moments, but when he did he said, "you look gorgeous."

he had already complimented el may to many times for meagan's liking. mike practically had heart eyes. and it pissed her off.

it was time she took matters into her own hands.


meagan dialed the familiar number known as the wheelers and listened to the quiet ringing, making her anticipation rise. "this is the wheeler's, karen speaking."

"oh hey mrs. wheeler, is um- mike there?" she asked sweetly, "no, he's at his friends house. do you need to get in contact with him?" she asked, "yes, would you mind giving me their number?"

"of course." karen gave meagan el's number, she thanked mrs wheeler and then proceeded to dial her number. after a few moments someone answered the phone, the sound a laughter came before el spoke. "hello?"

"hey el. it's meagan. can i talk to mike?" she asked sharply, "how do you know he's even here?" she giggled, "because i can hear him, dumbass. let me talk to my boyfriend."

"not with that attitude, missy." el laughed, "el just give me the phone" she heard mike say, "fiiinne. here." she heard the shuffling and then mike's voice. "hey meg, what's up?"

𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now