third wheel

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i rewrote chapter 2 so if you haven't read it please go check it out before you read this!

attention: i rewrote chapter 2 so if you haven't read it please go check it out before you read this!

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the feeling inside el's chest was not a good feeling. everyone knew what a good feeling felt like, the bubbly sensation inside your chest or the warm and fuzzing feeling. and most people enjoyed having that sensation. but when it came to a bad feeling everyone automatically knew what it was. the feeling of someone pinching your heart, having trouble breathing, all of that. and when el saw mike and meagan kissing, that's what set her off. she would have thought that she'd never be jealous, especially not of her best friend.

come on, she thought, this is mike wheeler. your best friend why are you feeling this way about him? she wondered, maybe the fact that she hated seeing him with other girls or the fact the one day he was going to get a girlfriend and spend less time with her. but she knew everything about him, and she could see why all the girls liked him. he was incredibly nice, a great sense of humor, and overall just really sweet. but one thing no one could miss, not even el, he was very attractive. even el admitted that.

but knowing as his relationship got stronger with meagan, he would spend less and less time with el. she hated knowing that but it was true, he wouldn't have as much time to goof around with her or sit in her room and talk about nothing for hours. but she wasn't quite ready to let him go.


the two were laying in el's room staring at the ceiling, neither of them knew what to say so they just sat there. but then mike spoke up, "hey el?"

"hey mike?"

"so um.. me and meagan were going to go out tonight and i was wondering if you wanted to come with us?" he asked, "like i'd be the third wheel?" she raised an eyebrow, "no! i just though maybe you could get to know her a little better." mike explained, "where are you going- or doing?" she asked, "we were going to get to eat something and go to the park after."

"you know i'm in for free food. i'm in." she said with a smile, "okay cool, we can leave in like 30 minutes so get all your girly stuff done." el chuckled and hopped off her bed to get ready, a few minutes later she came out of the bathroom. it never took el long to get ready for things, she never felt the need to impress others. "ok let's go."

they walked to the car and el hopped in the front seat. "i was mad meagan took my seat this morning." el commented, "yeah i figured you would be, turn on the radio." mike said as he started down the road, el turned the small knob connected to the radio and a familiar song started to play.

"just a little more time is all i'm asking for"

mike and el looked at each other, trying to contain their goofy grins.

𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now