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dustin pushed open the heavy doors when they walked in the only thing that filled their vision was dancing teenagers. multicolored lights flickered around the room and loud music practically shook the walls. "ha, it's kind of like a club." dustin snorted, "i'm not even going to ask." el muttered.

el pulled her curly haired friend around the room, she was looking for mike and mike only. "el!" he cried.


"we just passed the snack bar!" he whined, "you can shove some brownies up your ass later, that's not what's important right now." she snapped, "fine..jeez."

the two aimlessly walked around the room, they were really looking for any of their friends. "look, there's max and lucas." dustin pointed toward the redhead and her boyfriend jumping around to the songs. el couldn't care less, she didn't come here to see them. "c'mon, let's keep looking. he's got to be around here somewhere."

dustin gripped onto els hand tighter when he saw a familiar blond staring at them from the corner. if meagan was there, something was bound to happen.

els caramel eyes scanned the room and yet had no success in finding her raven haired friend. he definitely wasn't dancing, el knew more then anyone that the boy couldn't dance for the life of him.

when her eyes finally looked to the back corner of the room that's when el's world stopped. it felt like ages since she had talked to her best friend. he stared right back at her, like he had seen her since the moment she walked through the doors. it felt like they'd been torn away from each other and it seemed like a million days since they'd seen each other. but mike couldn't think of a better way to see her again.

el looked even more beautiful then mike remembered. the dress looked fabulous on her and he just felt his heart melting at the sight. her soft golden hair was curled into perfect little ringlets. she looked like an actual angel. his heart melting just at the sight. the only thing he had on his mind was el, and how much he just wanted to hug her, right there on the spot.

in el's eyes, mike looked so sophisticated and handsome. her lips formed a smile when she saw his light pink tie, looking as if they'd planned to match. his raven curls weren't touched, leaving them just as they were and just how she liked it.

mike stood up and continued staring at the girl. els hand dropped from dustin's and she quickly made her way over to him. before he could let out a word she crashed into his arms. his arms wrapped around her, it felt so right finally holding her like this again. as if ruining makeup wasn't even a worry, she felt tears slowly slipping out of her eyes.

"mike." she sighed, "el."

"i'm so sorry." she mumbled into his suit, "sorry? for what?"

"everything. i-i should have just ignored her. i didn't want to stay away from you- believe me i didn't!"

he pulled her head away from his chest and held it in his hands, slowly stroking the tears away with his thumbs. "it's okay el. i promise it is. neither of us wanted that, i know. you were just doing what you thought was necessary." he reassured, el nodded and leaned into hug him once again.

𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀, mileven✔️Where stories live. Discover now